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Building EVE

This document describes how the EVE build process works, its dependencies, inputs and outputs. The planned complementary document describes how to contribute to EVE.

If you want to customize any part of the build for your own purposes, to generate a custom eve-os image, please read this document to understand it, and then read

Conceptual structure of EVE Makefile targets

EVE Makefile automates building and running the following artifacts (all of which are described in gory details below):

  • OCI images, which are the "building blocks" composed together into the EVE rootfs; these are linuxkit packages, in pkg/, build via linuxkit pkg build
  • EVE rootfs images
  • bootable EVE live images
  • bootable EVE installer images

Build Process

While the packages don't provide any knobs to control the flavor of the build, the rest of the artifacts do. These can be set as variables to make targets.

The main knobs that control the flavor of the build are the following. Each of these has reasonably sane defaults, when possible.

Variable Description Default Examples
ROOTFS_VERSION Version ID of the EVE image calculated from the git commit snapshot, 1.2.3-abcd567
ZARCH Hardware architecture of the resulting image your current platform amd64, arm64, riscv64
HV Hypervisor flavor of the resulting image kvm (amd64, arm64) or mini (riscv64) kvm, xen, acrn, mini, kubevirt
PLATFORM Specific platform for which to build generic generic, rt, nvidia-jp6, imx8mp_pollux

Finally, the target determines what type of image you are building,, installer.

As much as possible, incompatible combinations will be caught and prevent a build. For example, PLATFORM=nvidia-jp6 is for the ARM-based Jetsons, so ZARCH=amd64 is incompatible and will be caught.

You can specify an arbitrary combinations of these knobs to set the desired outcome of the build.

For example, the following command line will build a generic qcow2 live image with the default hypervisor set to kvm, hardware architecture set to amd64 and the version ID set to snapshot:

make ROOTFS_VERSION=snapshot ZARCH=amd64 HV=kvm live

To build the same image but for Google Compute Platform (notice the different target):

make ROOTFS_VERSION=snapshot ZARCH=amd64 HV=kvm live-gcp

Same way, since HV applies at the rootfs level (rootfs binary is then fed wholesale into live and installer builds) you can build a snapshot rootfs with the hypervisor set to acrn by doing either:

make ROOTFS_VERSION=snapshot HV=acrn rootfs


make ROOTFS_VERSION=snapshot rootfs-acrn

In this hierarchy, think of ZARCH and ROOTFS_VERSION as applicable to anything hence they don't get a -foo shortcut treatment.

When in doubt, always use a full specification on all the knobs via variables spelled out on the command line.

EVE Install Methods

Before describing how EVE is built, it is important to understand how EVE is installed. EVE has two distinct installation methods:

  • Installing a Live Image
  • Using an Installer Image

Installing a Live Image

A live image is ready for an actual device. It is flashed directly to a USB drive or SD card, which is then installed into a final device. As such, the live image has all of the necessary partitions, and is not expected to boot anything but a live device.

Using an Installer Image

An installer image is intended to be booted on multiple devices, each time installing a live image onto the local device. It is flashed to a USB drive or SD card. The card is then installed into a device, the device is booted, the installer installs a live image onto the device's actual long-term storage, and then the install media is disconnected and moved to the next device to repeat the process.

Since an installer is many-use, potentially across many sites, the small amount of configuration may need to change between sets of installs. The installer image can have its configuration changed between installs by connecting it to a live running system.


EVE uses several build tools, some of which are prerequisites, while others are installed as needed.


You must have the following installed in order to build EVE:

  • docker
  • Go (optional) Required only if you want to build packages locally. By default, all builds happen in a docker environment.
  • qemu (optional) Required only if you wish to run the generated image. On macOS, easiest to install via homebrew via brew install qemu.
  • git which you must have to clone this repository.
  • swtpm (optional) Required only if you wish to run EVE-OS in qemu with TPM device. On macOS, easiest to install via homebrew via brew install swtpm. On Ubuntu with enabled apparmor please disable apparmor for swtpm after install to use it from local directory: sudo ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.swtpm /etc/apparmor.d/disable/ && sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.bin.swtpm.

Installed As Needed

  • linuxkit - CLI used to build actual EVE bootable images.

Each "Installed as Needed" build tool will place its final executable in ${GOPATH}/bin/, e.g. ~/go/bin/linuxkit.

To build a specific tool, you can execute make build-tools/bin/<tool-name>, e.g. make build-tools/bin/bin/linuxkit.

This target does the following:

  1. Create a temporary directory
  2. Initialize git in that directory
  3. Fetch just the target commit to the directory
  4. Install tools as needed
  5. Remove the temporary directory

To build all of the tools, in the project root directory, run make build-tools


The normal process for installing go-based binaries is to execute go get with options, e.g.

go get -u
go get -u

EVE uses a somewhat non-standard build process for these tools to ensure specific versions without polluting the user's normal workspace.

Output Components

The following are the output components from the build process and their purpose. There are two kinds of components: final, generally intended for actual direct usage, and interim, used to build the final components. Some interim components may be removed as part of the build finalization process.

However, every build of an EVE image will create rootfs.tar, whether on the way to various live or installer image formats, or useful by itself. This tarfile contains the root filesystem, whose contents then may be used to generate the final versions: live vs installer, qcow2 vs raw vs GCP, etc, or may be useful on its own.

The important work in generating EVE is primarily in creating rootfs.tar. All of the rest is:

  • converting formats and tools to do so
  • packaging
  • additional metadata such as SBoMs


  • rootfs-VERSION.IMG_FORMAT - a live bootable rootfs filesystem image. This can be either squashfs (default) or ext4.
  • rootfs.img - a symlink to the actual, versioned rootfs image file that was built last
  • live.raw - a final bootable live disk image in raw format with only few key partitions created (the rest will be created on first boot):
    1. UEFI partition with grub
    2. config partition with the content of config.img described below
    3. root partition from the above rootfs.img
  • live.qcow2 - the final bootable live disk image in qcow2 format
  • live.vdi - the final bootable live disk image in vdi format (used in VirtualBox systems)
  • live.parallels - the final bootable live virtual hard disk image in Parallels format
  • live.img.tar.gz - the final bootable live disk image in Google Compute Platform format
  • live.img - a symlink to one of the above images that was built last
  • installer.raw - a bootable image that can install EVE on a local device. The installer is intended to be flashed to a USB or SD device, or booted via PXE, and then run to install on a local drive.
  • installer.iso - a bootable ISO image with a hidden EFI boot partition and an installer partition, with the contents of installer.raw. The installer is intended to be booted in a manner typical of iso files, and then run to install on a local drive.


  • rootfs_installer.img - a bootable rootfs filesystem image to run as an installer.
  • config.img - 1MB FAT32 image file containing basic configuration information, including wpa supplicant, name of the controller, onboarding key/cert pair, and other configuration information.
  • rootfs.tar - as described above.

Build Process

The general rules for the build process are as follows.

All bootable images are built via linuxkit, using standard linuxkit yml configuration files. Read documents at the linuxkit repository to learn more about how linuxkit works, composing OCI images to create a bootable disk.

EVE builds one of two bootable images using linuxkit, depending on if you are building an installer or a live image, and then modifies them with various tools.


For a live bootable image, named live.img, we create the following dependencies in order:

  1. rootfs.tar
  2. rootfs.img
  3. config.img
  4. live.raw
  5. live.qcow2


This is the rootfs filesystem in a tar file. It is a temporary artifact which is used as input into security and bill-of-materials scanners, and is then consumed to create other artifacts, and then can be removed. To build it:

  1. Verify the existence of the linuxkit builder configuration file images/rootfs.yml. See notes on generating yml to understand how this is generated.
  2. Call tar -y images/rootfs.yml -t path/to/rootfs.tar [-a <arch>], which will build an image for the target architecture <arch> using linuxkit with a tar output format using images/rootfs.yml as the configuration file, saving the output to path/to/rootfs.tar.

When done with any later builds, you can remove the temporary artifact path/to/rootfs.tar.

When run with make rootfstar or make rootfs.tar or make rootfs, this will build the rootfs tar file:

  • For the default architecture;
  • Saving the tar file to dist/<arch>/<path-from-commit-and-version-and-date>/


rootfs.img is a bootable root filesystem. To build it:

  1. Verify the existence of the rootfs tar file from the previous stage.
  2. Call imagefromtar -i path/to/rootfs.img -t path/to/rootfs.tar -f <format>, which will:
    1. Pipe the contents of the tar image to a docker container from either mkrootfs-ext4 or mkrootfs-squash, depending on desired output format.
    2. mkrootfs-* takes the contents of the tar image, modifies grub.cfg, builds it into an ext4 filesystem image, and streams it to stdout.
    3. Direct the output to the targeted filename, in this case path/to/rootfs.img.

We now have path/to/rootfs.img.

If you will not need any of the interim steps, you can run image -y images/rootfs.yml -f <format> -a <arch> -i path/to/rootfs.img, which combines:

  1. Creating the tar
  2. Creating the disk image


config.img is a simple image containing the basic configurations necessary to run EVE. These files are intended to be on their own partition on the final image.

To build config.img:

  1. Verify the existence of dependencies, essentially everything in conf/
  2. Call the script to create the image: ./tools/ config.img conf. This will:
    1. tar up the contents of the config directory into a tar format.
    2. stream the contents of the tar format into a docker container from the image generated by pkg/mkconf. mkconf is an image that contains the make-config script and all of /opt/zededa/examples/config from pillar.
    3. mkconf creates a FAT32 image whose root is everything copied from pillar/conf overwritten by everything from $PWD/conf/.
    4. mkconf saves the image to config.img


live.raw is a live bootable raw disk image with both a rootfs and a UEFI boot partition.

To build live.raw:

  1. Ensure rootfs.img and config.img are ready.
  2. tar these two dependencies together and stream to
  3. Call ./ -C live.raw
  4. creates an empty image of the target size at the target path, and then passes control to a docker container from the image generated by pkg/mkimage-raw-efi. It does not pass on the names of the partitions to be created, depending on the default.
  5. mkimage-raw-efi: 0. Calculates required size of the resulting image if '-C' option is provided
    1. Extracts the contents of the tar stream to /parts/
    2. Creates a partition for each of efi, imga, imgb, conf, persist
    3. Populates each partition with its appropriate contents:
      • efi: contents of /EFI/BOOT/ from /parts/rootfs.img
      • imga/imgb: contents of /parts/rootfs.img
      • conf: contents of /parts/config.img as a partition of type 13307e62-cd9c-4920-8f9b-91b45828b798. This is a custom GUID for EVE configuration.
      • persist: contents of /parts/persist.img if it exists, else empty
    4. Populates the embedded boot partition with the grub *.EFI binary and grub.cfg file
    5. Validates the image.


live.qcow2 is the final version of the live bootable image, in qcow2 format.

To build live.qcow2:

  1. Ensure that live.raw exists.
  2. Convert it to live.qcow2 via qemu-img convert
  3. Remove live.raw


live.img is a convenience universal pointer to the final image.

To build live.img:

ln -s live.qcow2 live.img


For an installable image, named installer.img, we create the following dependencies in order:

  1. rootfs.img
  2. config.img
  3. rootfs_installer.img
  4. installer.raw

Installer: rootfs.img

rootfs.img is built identically to how it is for a live bootable image, see rootfs.img

Installer: config.img

config.img is built identically to how it is for a live bootable image, see config.img

Installer: rootfs_installer.img

rootfs_installer.img is the actual bootable image that installs EVE onto another storage medium, normally an on-board disk/ssd on a device.

To build rootfs_installer.img:

  1. Ensure the existence of the prerequisites: rootfs.img, config.img, images/installer.yml. The yml file is the configuration file for using linuxkit to build the rootfs_installer.img. See notes on generating yml.
  2. Call images/installer.yml rootfs_installer.img <format> <arch>, which will:
    1. Build an image for the target architecture <arch> using linuxkit with a tar output format using images/installer.yml as the configuration file..
    2. Pipe the contents of the tar image to a docker container from either mkrootfs-ext4 or mkrootfs-squash, depending on desired output format.
    3. mkrootfs-* takes the contents of the tar image, modifies grub.cfg, builds it into an ext4 or squasfhs filesystem image, and streams it to stdout.
    4. Direct the output to the targeted filename, in this case rootfs_installer.img.

Installer: installer.raw

installer.raw is a bootable raw disk installer image with both a rootfs and a UEFI boot partition.

To build installer.raw:

  1. Ensure rootfs_installer.img and config.img are ready.
  2. tar these two dependencies together and stream to
  3. Call ./ -C live.raw "efi imga conf_win"
  4. creates an empty image of the target size at the target path, and then passes control to a docker container from the image generated by pkg/mkimage-raw-efi. It does pass on the names of the partitions to be created, limiting it to efi, imga, conf_win. There is no need for imgb or persist partitions for an installer image that will not be persisting data, and will not be updating its root filesystem.
  5. mkimage-raw-efi: 0. Calculates required size of the resulting image if '-C' option is provided
    1. Extracts the contents of the tar stream to /parts/
    2. Creates a partition for each of efi, imga, conf_win
    3. Populates each partition with its appropriate contents:
      • efi: contents of /EFI/BOOT/ from /parts/rootfs.img
      • imga: contents of /parts/rootfs.img
      • conf_win: contents of /parts/config.img as partition type EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7, or Windows Data partition. Other than the partition type, conf_win is identical to conf. This is required so that this partition can be mounted on MacOS and Windows machines for users to add/change configuration on an installer image in between installs.
      • persist: contents of /parts/persist.img if it exists, else empty
    4. Populates the embedded boot partition with the grub *.EFI binary and grub.cfg file
    5. Validates the image.

Note that once you flash installer.raw on the installer media, such as USB drive or SD card, since the conf_win partition is a Windows Data partition, most operating systems will recognize it and allow you to mount it. This allows you to update configuration on the installer media between installs.

Generating yml

The core rootfs.tar file is generated using linuxkit build, which is driven by a yml file. The yml file is in the images directory and is named rootfs-$(HV).yml, where HV is the hypervisor, e.g. kvm, xen, acrn, mini, and can be set in the environment variable HV, e.g. make rootfs.tar HV=kvm.

The actual yml file rootfs-$(HV).yml is not checked into version control, nor is any file in images. Rather, the checked-in files in this directory are templates and modifiers:

  • templates: and
  • modifiers: *

When you run make rootfs.tar, or any target that depends upon it, the following happens:

  1. The Makefile includes This sets the variable KERNEL_TAG inside the make process to a specific docker image tag, based on the ZARCH and, if set, PLATFORM
  2. The Makefile sees a dependency on images/out/rootfs-$(HV)-$(PLATFORM).yml
  3. The Makefile runs tools/ -b images/ -v "$(ROOTFS_VERSION)-$(HV)-$(ZARCH)" -h $(HV) -o images/out/rootfs-$(HV)-$(PLATFORM) images/modifiers/$(HV).yq images/modifiers/$(PLATFORM).yq, i.e. the utility, passing it:
    • the base template images/, i.e. input file
    • the version string, which is the ROOTFS_VERSION, hypervisor, and architecture
    • the hypervisor
    • the output file, specifically images/rootfs-$(HV)
    • one or more modifiers: currently only images/modifiers/$(HV).yq and images/modifiers/$(PLATFORM).yq
  4. does the following:
    1. For each modifier, if any, apply it to the base template, and save the result to the provided output file.
    2. Search through the output file for the string EVE_HV and, if found, replace it with the hypervisor.
    3. If the version argument, which was generated from the git commit, contains the phrase dirty, i.e. uncommitted, then change the PILLAR_TAG in the output file to PILLAR_DEV_TAG, which will be used in a later stage.
  5. The Makefile runs ./tools/ images/out/rootfs-$(HV)-$(PLATFORM) > images/rootfs-$(HV)-$(PLATFORM).yml, i.e. the utility, passing it as an input the HV-specific template generated in the previous step rootfs-$(HV), and saving the output to the final rootfs-$(HV).yml file. In addition, the variable KERNEL_TAG is passed as an environment variable.
  6. does the following:
    1. Gets the package tag for each directory in pkg/ via linuxkit pkg show-tag ${dir}, and save it to variable which looks like <PKGNAME>_TAG, e.g. PILLAR_TAG or WWAN_TAG.
    2. Go through the input file - the HV-specific template - and replace the tags with the appropriate values. This includes the value of KERNEL_TAG as passed by the Makefile on calling
  7. The Makefile generates rootfs.tar via ./tools/ tar -y images/out/rootfs-$(HV)-$(PLATFORM).yml -t path/to/rootfs.tar -a $(ZARCH), i.e. it runs, passing it the following arguments:
    1. The target format, i.e. tar
    2. -a $(ZARCH) - the architecture
    3. -t $(PATH) - path to the target output file
    4. -y $(YML) - path to the yml file, as generated in previous steps
  8. runs linuxkit build to generate the final rootfs.tar

The above process creates several challenges, which will, eventually, be cleaned up:

  1. It is necessary to pre-process the actual source files before generating an image. It is not possible to run linuxkit build manually to generate an image. This makes building and debugging individual steps harder.

These are all due to constraints within the usage of the yml files. If a cleaner solution requires upstreaming into linuxkit, it will be added to the file.


The current process uses the control knob PLATFORM in the following places in the Makefile:

  • As a value in the included, in order to set KERNEL_TAG, which is passed to
  • As the first argument to in the Makefile targets for live.*, installer.* and verification.*, which, in turn, uses it to add specific files to the build and output directories prior to making the final image.
  • In the final eve image lf-edge/eve, specifically the entrypoint, where the platform is passed as -p argument when calling docker run, and is used to modify the final layout.

Note for developers

make live typically requires a significant amount of time, approximately 3 minutes, to generate a tarball and the resulting squashfs image. This delay can significantly slow down the development cycles of code compilation, live testing, and iteration. During development, we support rapid live image update, for use during development only. This optimization uses the following procedure:

  1. Creating a live image with an EXT4 root filesystem. The live command also supports the EXT4 format for the root filesystem, resulting in a larger image size. However, this format allows for a mutable root filesystem, enabling it to be remounted with read-write (RW) options. This flexibility provides greater freedom during EVE runtime as well as during the live image creation, facilitating on-the-fly modifications to the image instead of requiring a complete rebuild from scratch. First you need to create a live image with EXT4 as the following:

    make ROOTFS_FORMAT=ext4 live

  2. To streamline the generation of an up-to-date live image, especially during iterative development cycles, you can patch the EXT4 rootfs partition with generated rootfs tar. This approach minimizes the time required for generating the whole live image. Below is the command for updating the EXT4 live image generated by the previous command:

    make LIVE_UPDATE=1 live

    The command generates the rootfs tarball and update the live image using the guestfish tool (which must be installed on the system, check the main Makefile for details). Command also implies the ROOTFS_FORMAT=ext4 option for obvious reasons: files can't be updated on the read-only file-system.

This approach reduces creation of the resulting live image from 3 minutes to 20 seconds (approximately).

Generating any yml

Note that the process above can be used to generate any yml file, not just rootfs-$(HV).yml. As long as a modifier file exists, you can call make images/rootfs-foo.yml and it will try to generate images/rootfs-foo.yml, treating foo as the hypervisor. This may not successfully build a final rootfs.tar, but you can generate any yml file you want and then later directly try running linuxkit build upon it.

Image Contents

As described above, the bootable images - live live.img and installer installer.raw - are partitioned disk images with the following layouts:

Live Image Contents

partition purpose source
EFI boot via grub
imga Root partition A rootfs.img from linuxkit build
imgb Root partition B rootfs.img from linuxkit build
conf Config data config.img from tools/
persist Persistent storage empty

Installer Image Contents

partition purpose
EFI boot via grub
imga Root partition A
conf_win Config data

The rest of this section describes the contents of the root filesystem, both rootfs.img for live and rootfs_installer.img for installer.

LinuxKit Summary

LinuxKit - which is used to build both rootfs.img and rootfs_installer.img - composes an operating system image from OCI container images. Depending on configuration, these are used to:

  • insert a kernel directly on the booting operating system
  • place files directly on the booting operating system, including init, via "init packages"
  • create one-time onboot services that run in containers via runc
  • create one-time onshutdown services that run in containers via runc
  • create long-running services that run in containers via containerd

Standard Packages

EVE uses a number of standard linuxkit packages. These are enumerated below. Others may be added later.

Standard Live Packages

  • init packages
    • linuxkit/init - for the init process
    • linuxkit/runc - for runc
    • linuxkit/containerd - for containerd
    • linuxkit/getty - for getty to log in on console
  • onboot packages
    • linuxkit/sysctl
    • linuxkit/modprobe - customized for the appropriate modules
    • linuxkit/mount - customized to mount the config partition as /var/config
  • services packages
    • linuxkit/openntpd - for ntp

Standard Installer Packages

  • init packages
    • linuxkit/init - for the init process
    • linuxkit/runc - for runc
    • linuxkit/getty - for getty to log in on console

Custom Packages

The remaining packages are custom images built for EVE. All of the packages - and some tools - are in the pkg/ directory. We intend at some point to separate out tools, which are used at build-time, into the tools/ directory, from packages, which are actual OCI images loaded into a runnable image, which will remain in pkg/.

The following custom packages are used:

Custom Live Packages

  • kernel: EVE uses its own custom kernel (taken from eve-kernel project), rather than one of the standard linuxkit ones. This is primarily due to kernel modules and drivers, especially on arm, as well as Xen requirements.
  • init packages:
    • lfedge/eve-grub - CoreOS inspired GRUB required to enable CoreOS-style dual partition upgrades. See for a more detailed discussion of what is unique in this grub.
    • lfedge/eve-fw - various firmware required for device drivers.
    • lfedge/eve-xen - a single Xen binary required to boot EVE.
    • lfedge/eve-gpt-tools - ChromiumOS inspired tools and sgdisk required to enable CoreOS-style dual partition upgrades. See for a more detailed discussion of what is unique in these versions of the gpt tools.
    • lfedge/eve-dom0-ztools - catch-all containers for tools helpful in developing and debugging EVE.
  • onboot packages:
    • lfedge/eve-rngd - custom lfedge/eve-rngd package, rather than the standard linuxkit one. This micro-fork accommodates the following hack which provides some semblance of seeding randomness on ARM. Without this HiKey board won't boot.
  • services packages:
    • lfedge/eve-wwan - WWAN drivers and software. 5G/LTE/3G/2G. See wwan/ for detailed documentation.
    • lfedge/eve-wlan - WLAN drivers and software. Currently a glorified wrapper around wpa_supplicant.
    • lfedge/eve-guacd - Apache Guacamole service that provides console and VDI services to running VMs and containers.

Custom Installer Packages

  • kernel: EVE uses its own custom kernel (taken from eve-kernel project), rather than one of the standard linuxkit ones. This is primarily due to kernel modules and drivers, especially on arm, as well as Xen requirements.
  • init packages:
    • lfedge/eve-grub - CoreOS inspired GRUB required to enable CoreOS-style dual partition upgrades.
    • lfedge/eve-devices-trees - device trees for all the ARM platforms that EVE supports.
    • lfedge/eve-xen - a single Xen binary required to boot EVE.
    • lfedge/eve-dom0-ztools - catch-all containers for tools helpful in developing and debugging EVE.
  • onboot packages:
    • lfedge/eve-rngd - custom EVE rngd package, rather than the standard linuxkit one. This micro-fork accommodates the following hack which provides some semblance of seeding randomness on ARM. Without this HiKey board won't boot.
    • lfedge/eve-mkimage-raw-efi - custom EVE version of mkimage-raw-efi to create an ext4 image, used to make the correct filesystems on the target install disk.


The package pillar contains, unsurprisingly, the pillar services that are responsible for managing the various components and deployments of a running EVE system. Its source is pkg/pillar. We need to start breaking this monolith down at some point, but for now everything sits in the same container.

pillar itself vendors EVE golang api, i.e. the golang-compiled protobufs defined in api/proto. These can be updated and compiled using the instructions in its repository lf-edge/eve-api.

pillar depends upon the latest versions of these being available at its compile time in its vendor directory at pkg/pillar/vendor. The target make proto-vendor will vendor them into pkg/pillar/vendor.

pillar build variants

The package pillar is built using the Makefile command: make pkg/pillar [VAR1=value1 VAR2=value2 ...]

Depending on the values of optional variables, the following pillar build variants are currently available:

  • make pkg/pillar: Production version of pillar for the KVM or Xen hypervisor. There is no difference in the pillar build between KVM and Xen hypervisors, and the default HV=kvm can be used for both. The name of the built pillar container is lfedge/eve-pillar:<tag>.
  • make pkg/pillar DEV=y: Development version of pillar for the KVM or Xen hypervisor. Debug symbols are preserved and seccomp is disabled in the pillar container. The name of the built pillar container is lfedge/eve-pillar-dev:<tag>.
  • make pkg/pillar HV=kubevirt: Production version of pillar for the KubeVirt hypervisor (EVE using K3s + KubeVirt to deploy applications as VMs inside Kubernetes Pods). Contains additional microservices and Go package dependencies specific to Kubernetes. The name of the built pillar container is lfedge/eve-pillar-kube:<tag>.
  • make pkg/pillar HV=kubevirt DEV=y: Development version of pillar for the KubeVirt hypervisor. Debug symbols are preserved and seccomp is disabled in the pillar container. The name of the built pillar container is lfedge/eve-pillar-kube-dev:<tag>.

Only lfedge/eve-pillar is currently published to Dockerhub as part of lf-edge/eve Github actions for the master branch and EVE releases.

Building packages

Packages are built within a docker container as defined by the Dockerfile within the package directory. The Dockerfile also specifies how the package will be built within the container. Some packages have a separate script to built them which is then invoked using the RUN clause within the Dockerfile. For some others like the kernel package, the entire build script is specified within the Dockerfile. Finally, the built docker images are published here. Please note that since our organization on DockerHub is managed by Linux Foundation, we have to request that they create a new package namespace for us every time we add a new package. For example, if you're adding pkg/eve-foo you will have to request a New Repository named via LF JIRA. Don't forget to ask for permissions setting to be copied from

Packages are meant to be the building blocks for reproducible builds. Currently, however, the builds are not strictly speaking reproducible, but rather guaranteed. EVE build system is not bootstrapping everything from the source up, instead it uses Alpine Linux as the source of binary artifacts. All of the Alpine binary packages that are consumed by EVE are collected in the Docker image archive and published under lfedge/eve-alpine name. That way, EVE build system pins all Alpine packages that it needs and can guarantee that they won't change until the archive is updated. All of the packages in the archive are listed under mirrors folder and the archive can be updated by updating that list. While currently re-building of the archive image is done by fetching required packages from the official Alpine mirrors, we can always add an additional step of bootstrapping all the same packages from source (which will give EVE true reproducible builds).

Since updating content of the lfedge/eve-alpine package is a bit of an unusual process -- it is described in details in the document.

Reliance on lfedge/eve-alpine archive enforces a particular structure on individual Dockerfile from EVE packages. For one, they always start with FROM lfedge/eve-alpine:TAG and they always produce the final output in the FROM scratch step (to avoid layer dependency on the large lfedge/eve-alpine package). In addition, lfedge/eve-alpine archive package defines a helper script that provides and easy entry point for setting up of the build environment and the final, Alpine-based output of the build. This helper script is driven by looking up the following environment variable (which are very similar to Requires and BuildRequires in RPMs):

  • PKGS, PKGS_amd64, PKGS_arm64, PKGS_riscv64: used to list packages required for the final binary output of the build
  • BUILD_PKGS, BUILD_PKGS_amd64, BUILD_PKGS_arm64, BUILD_PKGS_riscv64: used to list packages required to be present for the build itself, but not in the final output

The only tiny annoyance is that one should not forget an explicit RUN stanza in the Dockerfile after these ENV variables are defined. Calling in the RUN stanza has an effect of all the BUILD time packages getting installed in the build context and all the runtime packages getting installed in the special folder /out (if there are additional binary artifacts produced by the build -- they too need to be added to the /out folder).

A typical EVE Dockerfile drving the build will start from something like:

FROM lfedge/eve-alpine:XXX as build
ENV PKGS foo bar
ENV PKGS_arm64 baz-for-arm
FROM scratch
COPY --from=build /out/ /

One can build each package independently via:

make pkg/<name>

For example, to build guacd:

make pkg/guacd

To build all of the dependent packages:

make pkgs

In some cases, the pkg/<name> rule may rebuild more than intended, as they specify required dependencies. In this case, it may be more efficient to use make eve-<name>, such as when testing changes in the pillar package:

make eve-pillar

All of these packages are published regularly to the dockerhub registry, so it is not strictly necessary to rebuild them, unless you are changing a package and want to publish, or are working with a local custom build.

Note: The net effect of this is that if you try to build rootfs.img or installer.img and reference a package that is not published on the docker hub or available as a local image, it will not try to build it locally for you; this functionality is not available in linuxkit. Instead, it will simply fail. You must build the package and at least have it available in your local cache for the rootfs.img or installer.img build to succeed.

Building packages with runtime stats

Packages (currently Pillar) support collecting runtime memory and cpu statistics offered by Golang runtime. Collected statistics collected are sent over UDP to a statsd daemon running outside of EVE. To enable this, change the RSTATS_ENDPOINT (statsd endpoint) and RSTATS_TAG (the custom string used for tagging collected stats) inside pkg/pillar/build-rstats.yml to a proper value, then build:

make pkg/pillar RSTATS=y

To see the result, before running the image run statsd and graphite, for example:

docker pull graphiteapp/graphite-statsd
docker run -p 8080:80 -p 8125:8125/udp --rm --name statsd graphiteapp/graphite-statsd

While the EVE is running, navigate to http://IP:8080/dashboard and find the result under stats.gauges.

Reproducible Kernel build and versioning

Kernel packages ("pkg/kernel" and "pkg/new-kernel") are configured to produce a bit-by-bit reproducible kernel, to this end a build.yml is generated at build time to set the following variables to a static value:


In addition, both KBUILD_BUILD_TIMESTAMP and SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH variables are set to the last commit date of the respective package, This configuration results in having a static version string (/proc/version) on every build. In case there is uncommitted changes in the kernel(s) directory, kernel gets build normally without any static time.

This process can be used to compare eve images that are build in a trusted environment vs CI, making sure the automated build process is intact and not malicious or compromised. For this purpose, you can use to compare two builds. The script accepts the path of the mounted rootfs.img files (you need to mount a RW overlay on top; check the comments on the script), ideally you should see no output after the diff is finished:

$ /tmp/rfs-one/ tmp/rfs-two/
[1] Removing the signing key from kernel...
[1] Removing the signature form kernel modules...
[2] Removing the signing key from kernel...
[2] Removing the signature form kernel modules...
[*] Diffing the two rootfs...

But in case the two builds differ, the script outputs a list of files:

$ /tmp/rfs-one/ tmp/rfs-two/
[1] Removing the signing key from kernel...
[1] Removing the signature form kernel modules...
[2] Removing the signing key from kernel...
[2] Removing the signature form kernel modules...
[*] Diffing the two rootfs...
Files /tmp/rfs-one/boot/kernel and /tmp/rfs-two/boot/kernel differ
Files /tmp/rfs-one/lib/modules/5.10.121-default/kernel/net/can/can.ko and /tmp/rfs-two/lib/modules/5.10.121-default/kernel/net/can/can.ko differ

Buil-time kernel module signing

EVE kernel is configured to only load signed kernel modules, the module signing happens automatically during the build with a build-time generated throw-away key. But if you are willing to sign the modules using your own key, generate a key:

openssl req -new -nodes -utf8 -sha256 -days 36500 -batch -x509 \
   -config x509.genkey -outform PEM -out kernel_key.pem \
   -keyout kernel_key.pem

and place the .pem file in the /eve/pkg/kernel/certs directory. You can respectively change the x509.genkey template too.

Summary of Build Process

This section provides an overview of the processes used to create the following components:

  • Live Images
  • Installer Images

Live Images

+-------+                                +--------+
| pkg/* +-------+                     +--+ conf/  |
+-------+       |                     |  +--------+
+-------+       |                     |
| pkg/* +-------+                     |
+-------+       |linuxkit via         |
                |        |
                |                     |
+-------+       |                     |
| pkg/* +-------+                     |
+-------+       v                     v
       +--------+--------+   +--------+---------+
       |                 |   |                  |
       |   rootfs.img    |   |   config.img     |
       |                 |   |                  |
       +-+---------------+   +----------------+-+
         |                                    |
         |      live.raw                  |
         |     +---------------------------+  |
         |     |  efi                      |  |
         |     +---------------------------+  |
         +----->  imga                     |  |
         |     |                           |  |
         |     +---------------------------+  |
         +----->  imgb                     |  |
               |                           |  |
               +---------------------------+  |
               |  conf                     <--+
               |                           |
               |  persist                  |
               |                           |
                live.qcow2  |
               |                           |
               |                           |

Installer Images

+-------+                                +--------+
| pkg/* +-------+                     +--+ conf/  |
+-------+       |                     |  +--------+
+-------+       |                     |
| pkg/* +-------+                     |
+-------+       |linuxkit via         |
                |        |
                |                     |
+-------+       |                     |
| pkg/* +-------+                     |
+-------+       v                     v
       +--------+--------+   +--------+---------+
       |                 |   |                  |
       |   rootfs.img    |   |   config.img     |
       |                 |   |                  |
       +--------+--------+   +--------------+---+
                |                           |
+-------+       +------------------------+  |
| pkg/* +-----+ linuxkit via             |  |
+-------+     |            |  |
+-------+     |                          |  |
| pkg/* +-----+ rootfs_installer.img     |  |
+-------+    +v-----------------------+  |  |
             |                        |  |  |
             |                        |  |  |
             |                        |  |  |
             |                        |  |  |
             |                        |  |  |
             |                        |  |  |
             |                        |  |  |
             | /bits/rootfs.img <--------+  |
             | /bits/config.img <-----------+
             |                        |
             |                        |
               installer.raw    |
             |                        |
             |                        |

Build Tools

The following are build tools used to create EVE images, their purpose and source:

  • linuxkit - build bootable operating system images by composing OCI images and raw files together. Used to create rootfs.img and rootfs_installer.img. Installed in build-tools/bin/
  • manifest-tool - create OCI v2 manifest images that can reference other images based on architecture or operating system. Enables a single image tag, e.g. lfedge/foo:1.2 to be resolved automatically to the actual image that works on the current architecture and operating system at run-time. Installed in build-tools/bin/
  • - call linuxkit to build a bootable image's filesystem, in tar format, for rootfs.img or rootfs_installer.img. Passes the resultant tar stream to a container from pkg/mkrootfs-squash or pkg/mkrootfs-ext4, depending on desired output format.
  • mkrootfs-squash or mkrootfs-ext4 - take a build rootfs from the previous step as stdin in tar stream format, customize it with a filesystem UUID and other parameters, and create a squashfs or ext4 filesystem.
  • - take an input tar stream of several images, primarily rootfs.img and config.img. Create a file to use as an image of a target size or default. Passes the resultant tar stream to a container from pkg/mkimage-raw-efi.
  • mkimage-raw-efi - create an output file that represents an entire disk, with multiple partitions. By default, efi,imga,imgb,config,persist. The installer image creates only efi,img,config.
  • tools/ - package up the provided directory, normally conf/ into a tar stream, and pass to a container from pkg/mkconf.
  • mkconf - combine the input tar stream with defaults in /conf/ from lfedge/eve-pillar into a new container image in /. Create a FAT32 disk image from it.
  • - determine the correct latest hash to use for all packages and higher-order components. See parse-pks.


In many cases, we want to build an image not from a specific commit we actively know for individual packages, but from the latest specific version currently available. For example, if our linuxkit config yml looks as follows:

  image: lfedge/eve-kernel:7cfa13614bb99a84030db209b6c9a0696c7d3315-amd64
  cmdline: "rootdelay=3"
  - lfedge/eve-grub:97e7b1404e7c9d141eddb58294fcff019f61571b-amd64
  - lfedge/eve-device-trees:18377dd0bc3c33a1602e94a4c43aa0b3c51badb9-amd64
  - lfedge/eve-fw:1d8c22ae31c42d767ba648b186db4ea967a9c569-amd64
  - lfedge/eve-xen:f51bf3d17fad15b71242befbddec96e177132a99-amd64
  - lfedge/eve-gpt-tools:fe878611e4e032ea10946cbc9a1c3d5b22349dc4-amd64
  - lfedge/eve-dom0-ztools:b53cd1b5785c128371a5997e3a6e16007718c12d-amd64

We may want to rebuild using the latest version currently available to us of each of the above packages. If we changed 1, 3 or even all of them, it is a tedious and error-prone job to change the hashes of the commits for each of them.

Similarly, a pkg/ may be sourced from another package which, in turn, has a specific commit. For example, the first line of the generated qrexec-dom0 Dockerfile is:

FROM lfedge/eve-xen-tools@sha256:4a6d0bcfc33a3096398b4daa0931f9583c674358eeb47241e0df5f96e24c0110 as xentools

The Dockerfile mentioned above is not checked into the repository, but instead generated from a template by a parse-pkgs script.

The purpose of parse-pkgs is to collect the actual hashes of the latest version of every relevant package and either report them to stdout or modify a template file à la sed.

It does the following:

  1. Receive the DOCKER_ARCH_TAG var and, if not present, determine it from uname -m and canonicalize it.
  2. Receive the EVE_VERSION var and, if not present, determine it from eve_version.
  3. Determine the latest tag for each package in a list, roughly approximating every directory in pkg/ using linuxkit pkg show-tag pkg/<dir> and save it as a var with name <pkg-as-uppercase>_TAG, e.g. STRONGSWAN_TAG
  4. For internal packages that combine other packages - lfedge/eve-zedctr and lfedge/eve - do a more complicated versioning:
    1. cat pkg/<pkg>/
    2. resolve all of the tags to actual latest versions to create a ready-to-run Dockerfile
    3. create a hash of the generated Dockerfile
  5. Modify all stdin to replace any tags with the appropriate named and hashed packages, e.g. STRONGSWAN_TAG to lfedge/eve-strongswan@sha256:abcdef5678

The current build process with creates some challenges:

  • The templated inputs, e.g. or, are easily checked into version control, while the generated Dockerfile or rootfs.yml are not. These leave artifacts throughout the tree that are the sources of actual builds and should be checked in.
  • The generated files tend to be architecture-specific. These can be resolved by using multi-arch manifests. This, in turn, will make the previous issue easier to solve.
  • is run with every invocation of make, even make -n. The lists of local packages to be resolved with linuxkit pkg show-tag is fairly quick, pulling down and resolving the actual images for external packages is slow. In all cases, if possible, these should be deferred until actual build requires them. This is resolvable via Makefile changes.
  • The list of packages is hard-coded into This makes it brittle and hard to add packages. If possible, this should be moved to parsing the pkg/ directory.

Last but not least, is this completely necessary?

  • images/*.yml: The need to update images/*.yml is understood, as these packages change a lot. Even so, the utilities might be better structured as a separate external utility that is run manually. Most of the time, you just build from a static rootfs.yml or installer.yml. When you want to update them, you run update-images (or similar) and it updates them. Finally, you commit when a good build is ready.
  • pkg/*/Dockerfile: The need to generate Dockerfile for many of the packages may mean too much cross-dependency, which can be brittle. It is possible that this is necessary, and there is no other way around it. However, we should explore how we can simplify dependencies.

Cross-compilation support

cross-compilers package

In order to enable cross-compilation we add pkg/cross-compilers which contains binutils, gcc and g++ prepared with target architecture different from host one.

Cross-compilers support matrix are inside the following table (Y - supported, N - not supported, - - not expected).

target arch x86_64 host aarch64 host riscv64 host
x86_64 - Y N
aarch64 Y - N
riscv64 Y Y -

The package use aports repository as a base to build cross-compilers with the same revision as used for eve-alpine package. It helps us to use the same versions of tools with the same configuration and patches applied. Only two patches applied to aports repository:

  1. 0001-only-cross-compile-prepare.patch - allow us to use the bootstrap script provided in repo and stops the process of bootstrap right after preparing of cross-compilers
  2. 0002-adjust-sysroot.patch - modifies sysroot configured during building of gcc to be pointed onto reasonable directory (e.g. /usr/riscv64-alpine-linux-musl instead of /home/builder/sysroot-riscv64 bootstrap process use internally)

Note that cross-compiler packages inside aports are not distributed and involved in the bootstrap process only, so patches are not expected to be upstreamed.

The build process of the image is quite time-consuming, but we need to rebuild it only in case of moving onto the next alpine release, e.g. from 3.16 to 3.17, when we will update gcc/binutils. Update of packages inside eve-alpine without moving to the next Alpine release will not affect versions of gcc as we reuse them from cache.

Building of cross-compilers for riscv64 host architecture is not supported now because of no gcc-gnat available (additional patches required).

Enabling of cross-compilation

Cross-compilation support depends on compilers we use and ways of configuring compilers. The implementation of the process is quite varied and may not be possible. We should support both cases: native and cross-compilation for all targets. The main reason of enabling cross-compilation is to speedup build for another target architecture and acceleration can reach orders of magnitude. It is not reasonable to enable cross-compilation in all packages as it complicate the logic, only for ones which consume significant time.

In order to cross compile, you need the following at compile time:

  • env vars, specifically:
    • BUILDARCH - the architecture in go format for where you are building, e.g. amd64 or arm64
    • EVE_BUILD_ARCH - the architecture in uname format for where you are building, e.g. x86_64 or aarch64
    • TARGETARCH - the architecture in go format for the platform you are targeting, e.g. amd64 or arm64
    • EVE_TARGET_ARCH - the architecture in uname format for the platform you are targeting, e.g. x86_64 or aarch64
    • CROSS_COMPILE_ENV - cross-compiler prefix to use in CC with gcc suffix or in CROSS_COMPILE env variable
  • compilers in your build architecture that can compile binaries for your target architecture
    • gcc/g++/binutils with cross-compilation support - provided by lfedge/eve-cross-compilers
    • libraries for the target architecture - natively from eve-alpine for the target architecture

Below we provide step-by-step processes for cross-compilation in Dockerfile, each step of which provides one or more of the requirements:

  1. Add another base eve-alpine image with --platform=${BUILDPLATFORM}. This way we enforce builder to use the same platform we are running on (not the target platform):

    ARG BUILD_PKGS_BASE="git gcc linux-headers libc-dev make linux-pam-dev m4 findutils go util-linux make patch \
                         libintl libuuid libtirpc libblkid libcrypto1.1 zlib tar"
    # native base image
    FROM lfedge/eve-alpine:e0280f097450d1f53dd483ab98acd7c7cf2273ce as build-native
    # cross-compile base image
    FROM --platform=${BUILDPLATFORM} lfedge/eve-alpine:e0280f097450d1f53dd483ab98acd7c7cf2273ce as build-cross
  2. Use cross-compilers image for the host platform to install packages from it later:

    FROM --platform=${BUILDPLATFORM} lfedge/eve-cross-compilers:e39535ae301b2b64e900e434ef197612cb3a6fa9 AS cross-compilers
  3. Add libraries required to build for the target platform:

    FROM lfedge/eve-alpine:e0280f097450d1f53dd483ab98acd7c7cf2273ce AS cross-compile-libs
    ENV PKGS musl-dev libgcc libintl libuuid libtirpc libblkid
  4. Adjust EVE_TARGET_ARCH environment variable for cross-compiler:

    FROM build-cross AS build-cross-target-arm64
    FROM build-cross AS build-cross-target-amd64
  5. Install cross-compilers and copy libraries into your image:

    FROM build-cross-target-${TARGETARCH} AS build-cross-target
    ENV CROSS_COMPILE_ENV="${EVE_TARGET_ARCH}"-alpine-linux-musl-
    COPY --from=cross-compilers /packages /packages
    RUN apk add --no-cache --allow-untrusted -X /packages build-base-"${EVE_TARGET_ARCH}"
    COPY --from=cross-compile-libs /out/ /usr/"${EVE_TARGET_ARCH}"-alpine-linux-musl/
  6. Chain images to use the same notation for cross and native cases:

    # cross-compilers
    FROM build-cross-target AS target-arm64-build-amd64
    FROM build-cross-target AS target-amd64-build-arm64
    # native
    FROM build-native AS target-amd64-build-amd64
    FROM build-native AS target-arm64-build-arm64
  7. Use cross compilation (here we put go sample that uses cgo):

    FROM target-${TARGETARCH}-build-${BUILDARCH} AS build
    ENV GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor
    ENV GO111MODULE=on
    ENV GOOS=linux
    # define target arch
    # define cross-compiler to use
    # ADD / /
    # RUN go build .
  8. Copy out build artifacts into the image based on target arch. Do not forget to install runtime libraries there.

Note that EVE_BUILD_ARCH and EVE_TARGET_ARCH environment variables are set in eve-alpine image to be aligned with its arch (e.g. x86_64 for adm64), so we need to override them only for cross-compilation. BUILDARCH and TARGETARCH exposed by build system itself.

The whole flow looks like this:

  • For native builds, e.g. amd64 -> amd64, stage build inherits from target-amd64-build-amd64, which inherits from build-native, which is just eve-alpine.
  • For cross-compile builds, e.g. amd64 (host) -> arm64 (target):
    • Stage build inherits from target-arm64-build-amd64, which inherits from build-cross-target
    • Stage build-cross-target:
      • installs the cross-compilers for host (amd64) and target (arm64) arch combination from cross-compilers image. We use EVE_TARGET_ARCH there to compose the package name notation build-base-aarch64 to install.
      • installs the target arch libraries from cross-compile-libs, which is based on eve-alpine for the TARGETARCH
      • sets CROSS_COMPILE_ENV="${EVE_TARGET_ARCH}"-alpine-linux-musl- environment variable to use later as cross-compile prefix
      • inherits from build-cross-target-${TARGETARCH}, which adjust the EVE_TARGET_ARCH environment variable and inherits from build-cross stage based on eve-alpine

Using a local container registry

All containers built by the EVE project are available in the official LF-Edge's Docker HUB. However, developers might want to pull and/or push all containers to a local container registry for debugging and development purposes. EVE's build system allows to override the default docker registry through the REGISTRY variable. For example:

  1. Start docker registry at local port 5001 (to not clash with a running docker registry)

    docker run -d -p 5001:5000 --name lcreg registry:2
  2. Build EVE with the local registry URL

    make REGISTRY="localhost:5001" pkgs eve
  3. Push packages to the local registry

    make REGISTRY="localhost:5001" LINUXKIT_PKG_TARGET=push pkgs eve
  4. A list of packages pushed to the local registry can be retrieved with the following command:

    curl -s http://localhost:5001/v2/_catalog? | jq

    Output will be in JSON format, for instance:

      "repositories": [