This project is a continuation of the project fastapi_cache. Many thanks to Ivan Sushkov (the original author) for their work and contributions.
Implements simple lightweight cache system as dependencies in FastAPI.
pip install fastapi-cache-plus
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from fastapi_cache_plus import caches, close_caches
from fastapi_cache_plus.backends.redis import CACHE_KEY, RedisCacheBackend
app = FastAPI()
def redis_cache():
return caches.get(CACHE_KEY)
async def hello(cache: RedisCacheBackend = Depends(redis_cache)):
in_cache = await cache.get("some_cached_key")
if not in_cache:
await cache.set("some_cached_key", "new_value", 5)
return {"response": in_cache or "default"}
async def on_startup() -> None:
rc = RedisCacheBackend("redis://redis")
caches.set(CACHE_KEY, rc)
async def on_shutdown() -> None:
await close_caches()