Games freed of their traditional dimensionality.
Traditional Game of Go adapted to numerous 3 dimensional terrains such as a mobius strip and torus. Supports realtime save/sharable/multiplayer games. Source code for v2 on web or v1 in C++.
IN PROGRESS: A 3D block-building puzzle... where the blocks are invisible. You must use your mind, and a movable spotlight to move and rotate the blocks into place without being able to see them. Source code for v2 on web or v1 in C++.
Based on the original Freed Series:
These projects exist as pure client-side JavaScript, servable from a static server (and using an embedded three.js render layer). They connect to a Google server for cloud storage and multiplayer room management.
The original Freed Series was written in C++ over OpenGL and GLUT. This project includes their (C++ source code), those level designs were exported as the v1 JSON descriptions, and imported into the web versions.