Another lil' fun project for a relative who's studying at Semmelweis University in Budapest. She needed a dead simple application which helps her preparing for her upcoming exam. (The descriptions (on the back of the card) are in Hungarian)
- VITE_SPACE_ID: The Space ID you got from Contentful Settings / Api
- VITE_ACCESS_TOKEN: The Content Delivery API - access tokenyou got from Contentful Settings / Api
- GA_MEASUREMENT_ID: The Measurement ID you got from Google Analytics
- Vite
- React
- React Card Flip
- React GA 4 (for tracking)
- Random (for generating numbers)
- React Icons
- Framer Motion (for tiny micro animations)
- TailwindCSS
- TailwindCSS Prettier Plugin
- Contentful (images & descriptions are coming from here)