Release mega-20200703
Changes in mega-20200703 (since mega-20200608): Florin (1): Disable Arduino OTA by default for ESP32 Gijs Noorlander (31): [ESP32] Only define FEATURE_ARDUINO_OTA in build config, not in .h files [Build] Disable test_beta_ESP8266_4M1M for now as it is too big [PIO] Use espressif8266@2.5.2 with fixed esp8266_stack_decoder [Controller] Memory optimization for sending SENSOR_TYPE_STRING [Controller] Check if controller host/IP is set before MQTT connect [MQTT] Add function to check MQTT queue full state [Cleanup] Free ControllerSettings as soon as possible to free memory [Cleanup] Try to use move constructor when adding to controller queue [Controller] Cache needed controller info to reduce memory usage [MQTT] More efficient MQTT copy incoming messages [Controller] Check if MakeControllerSettings failed due to low RAM [MQTT import] Check if MakeControllerSettings failed due to out of RAM Fix merge issue WiFiConnected changed to NetworkConnected [P001 Switch] Reduce stack usage on PLUGIN_WEBFORM_LOAD [Blynk] Reduce stack usage on Blynk_get [Web Frontend] Reduce stack usage on DST configuration [Python] Update package versions in requirements.txt addFormSelectorI2C Fix high stack usage (#3130) Minimize stack allocation in plugins [Build] Add LittleFS to lib_ignore [build] Exclude function from build for minimal OTA [C011] Generic HTTP Advanced Reduce stack usage (#3123) [Controller] Check success of controller settings allocation processing queue [HTTP controller] Memory optimization, prevent copy queue element [Build] Allow building using SD support for special debug builds [Frontend] Use stringProvider on some more strings [Domoticz HTTP] Make sending slightly more efficient [Web interface] Fix bug in I2C address selector [Rules] Fix rules handling of set 2...4 when using admin login (#3113) [Syslog] Fix high stack usage for Syslog (#3128) [Documentation] Add documentation on the log settings. Grzegorz Dziubak (1): Update _P047_i2c-soil-moisture-sensor.ino Michał Obrembski (10): Initial Ethernet support Added displaying Ethernet parameter in sysinfo and root page Added configuration of Eth Phy via Hardware settings web page Added Olimex ESP32-PoE board to DeviceModel and default settings Increased BUILD number to 20107 Fix build on devices without Ethernet. Remove ifdefs for Ethernet in settings Renamed functions in ESPEasyEth, added eth* prefix Moved WifiGetHostname into more generic createRFCCompliantHostname Added basic implementation of Ethernet Static IP Pavel Moravec (1): Fixed IP address range checking Peter Kretz (24): atlas Sensor for pH an Redox (ORP) added - Atlas EZO new webserver added - Serial --> logging - No [TESTING] Extended the great work from Michał Obrembski mobrembski, so that: - mqtt works - WifiConnected works as EthernetConnected - Moved ETHEvent from ESPEasy.ino to ESPEasyEthEvent.ino - Corrected Hostname Setting - ESPEasy P2P works now with some minor changes for IP-Address Handling in Network.ino Change requested by TD-er review: clarification of build file ESP32 with Ethernet or Wifi, not both at the same time configurable via Hardware Page. - ESP P2P is working - Only ETH.beginPacket() with Standard Parameter is working at the moment, configuration will follow. - not cpp/h files but this will be changed in future - Some TODO: PKR: comments will be removed in the future, too Removed some comments Build now working with HAS_ETHERNET not defined - Ethernet Commands - remove useless comments - ETH.config moved after ETH.begin - Added note: Be aware with ESPEasyP2P Network, since IP Address will change. There could be conflicts. - Ethernet JSON - Ethernet Variables - ETHEvents moved to WifiEvents, because they are the same type ESPEasyEth.ino --> ESPEasyEth.cpp/h Network.ino --> Network.cpp/h ESPEasyWiFi_credentials.ino --> cpp/h ESPEasyWiFi_ProcessEvent.ino --> cpp/h ESPEasyWiFi.ino --> cpp/h Network.h/cpp --> ESPEasyNetwork.h/cpp removed upload flags - New events: ETHERNET#Connected and ETHERNET#Disconnected Fixed ci build error Fixed ci compile bug Fixed bug reported by mobremski - UDP / ESPEasyP2P now works for ETHERNET - Hostname Handling refactored for better overview: - String NetworkGetHostNameFromSettings() returns Settings.getHostname() - String NetworkCreateRFCCompliantHostname() creates a RFCcompliant Hostname from Settings.cpp - String NetworkGetHostname() returns the Hostname prevoiusly set in ETH or Wifi dependong on Mode - MacAddress Handling refactored - String NetworkMacAddress() returns the Mac addres of ETH or Wifi depending on Mode - String WifiSoftAPmacAddress() returns WiFi.softAPmacAddress(mac) as String This String function is not needed, because there is a ETH.macAddress() which returns a String. I changed it to the byte version of the function and now uint8_t * NetworkMacAddressAsBytes(uint8_t* mac) returns either this in Ethernet mode or WiFi.macAddress(mac) in Wifi mode. Check changed as requested by TD-er addFormNote(F("Be aware with ESPEasyP2P Network, since IP Address will change. There could be conflicts.")); not used anymore because P2P UDP works good removede personal upload flags _P124_Atlas_EZO_pH.ino and _P222_Atlas_EZO_ORP.ino deleted since ther are not in ESPEasy but in Playground. There is another Issu, to put them in ESPEasy mega - Error in Network Name fpr WiFi fixed - logging improvements TD-er (1): automatically updated release notes for mega-20200703 bccrew (1): Change FormSubHeader to clarify difference between IP settings of LAN or WiFi tonhuisman (5): [P064] Gesture - APDS-9960 plugin: Added switching plugin mode and settings to fine-tune without recompiling source [APDS-9960 library] Added extensions and applied fixes from original Github project (including not merged yet improvements) [P064] Added/updated documentation for Gesture - APDS-9960 plugin [Documentation] Updated footer copyright notice to show 2018..2020 [P064] Made code-readability and other improvements as TD-er suggested, fixed a swapped argument bug [Tasks] Call PLUGIN_INIT/PLUGIN_EXIT using TaskEnable/TaskDisable from rules [Transformation] Add P/p (Password display) [Transformation] Optimizations for Password transformation