Haskell type-safe bindings for working with i3 using it's unix socket IPC. Sway is supposed to be protocl compatible with i3, I've included a function to bind to sway's socket also.
Subscribe to events:
import qualified I3IPC.Subscribe as Sub
import I3IPC ( subscribe )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- will print all events
main :: IO ()
main = liftIO $ subscribe print [Sub.Workspace, Sub.Window]
An example of explicitly matching on some events and printing their fields:
import qualified I3IPC.Subscribe as Sub
import I3IPC.Event
import I3IPC ( subscribe )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
main :: IO ()
main = liftIO $ subscribe handle [Sub.Workspace, Sub.Window]
handle :: MonadIO m => Either String Event -> m ()
handle (Right evt) = case evt of
Workspace WorkspaceEvent { wrk_current } -> print wrk_current
Window WindowEvent { win_container } -> print win_container
_ -> error "No other event types"
handle (Left err) = error err
Sending Messages to i3:
import I3IPC ( connecti3
, getWorkspaces
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
main :: IO ()
main = do
soc <- liftIO $ connecti3
print $ getWorkspaces soc
Alternatively, you can ignore the convenience functions and construct these messages yourself:
import qualified I3IPC.Message as Msg
import I3IPC ( connecti3
, receiveMsg
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
main :: IO ()
main = do
soc <- liftIO $ connecti3
print $ Msg.sendMsg soc Msg.Workspaces >> receiveMsg soc
I'm happy to take PRs or suggestions, or simply fix issues for this library.