# Go to {code_root}/dataset/Pascal3D
cd dataset/Pascal3D
Download Pascal3D+ from this webpage. Since we only need image data and annotations, you can choose this one release1.1 ~ 7.5GB.
mkdir download.cache
wget ftp://cs.stanford.edu/cs/cvgl/PASCAL3D+_release1.1.zip -P download.cache/
# unzip
cd download.cache/
unzip PASCAL3D+_release1.1.zip
cd ..
wget https://shapenet.cs.stanford.edu/media/syn_images_cropped_bkg_overlaid.tar -P download.cache/
# untar
cd download.cache/
tar xvf syn_images_cropped_bkg_overlaid.tar
cd ..
# config.yml
Pascal3D_release_root : ../download.cache/PASCAL3D+_release1.1
Synthetic_Images_root : ../download.cache/syn_images_cropped_bkg_overlaid
cd prepare_data
bash prepare_Pascal3D.sh
- This script will first call
python mat2py.py
to dump matlab annotation '.mat' (from Pascal3D+) to python pickle '.pkl'. - Then,
will build up python annotation db table with data struture specified as following. - Create lmdb for image data storage by
python build_imdb.py
obj_id. We assign per instance (a.k.a object) across the images with an object identifier, with the format {image_id}_{x1},{y1},{x2},{y2} where the (x1,y1,x2,y2) is the bounding box annotation on original images.
object_anno (a.k.a rcobj) is a data structure stores the annotation per object. The visualization of such data structure is as following:
The python definition is implemented in
bash prepare_r4cnn.sh
This will
- build up lmdb for synthetic image storage.
- build up annotation db.