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154 lines (119 loc) · 6.18 KB

Spotify Now Playing

A small widget that displays the currently playing song and top tracks on Spotify. The widget is designed to be used in GitHub profiles.

This is a fork of ntthn0/Spotify-Readme. The original is kept here on the side, but the instructions and previews are also below.


  • Shows the currently playing song on Spotify.
  • If nothing is playing, shows a randomly chosen track from the recently played 10 tracks of the user.
  • Multiple customization options, as shown in the previews below.





Spinning CD Effect



Include Scan Code



Rainbow Equalizer



Dark Theme




⚠️ The instructions below are different from the ones in the original

This will take approximately 5 minutes.


This guide was last updated on Aug 30, 2023. The steps might differ slightly in the future if Spotify or Vercel updates their website interfaces.

0. Star This Repo (Mandatory) 🌟

  • Yes, this step is required.

1. Spotify's API 🎶

  • Head over to Spotify for Developers.
    • Accept the Terms of Service if necessary.
    • Verify your email address if you haven't done so already.
    • Click on the Create app button.
      • In the App name & App description fields, you may put whatever you want.
      • In the Redirect URI field, add https://localhost:3000/callback.
      • Agree with Spotify's TOS and click Save.
    • Click on the Settings button.
    • Take note of the Client ID & Client Secret.

2. Intermediary Steps 🛠️{CLIENT_ID}&response_type=code&scope=user-read-currently-playing,user-read-recently-played,user-top-read&redirect_uri=https://localhost:3000/callback
  • Copy and paste the above link into your browser.

    • Replace {CLIENT_ID} with the Client ID you got from your Spotify application.
    • Visit the URL.
      • Log in if you're not already signed in.
      • Click Agree.
  • After you get redirected to a blank page, retrieve the URL from your browser's URL bar. It should be in the following format: http://localhost:3000/callback?code={CODE}.

    • Take note of the {CODE} portion of the URL.
  • Head over to or use the command echo -n "{CLIENT_ID}:{CLIENT_SECRET}.

    • Create a string in the form of {CLIENT_ID}:{CLIENT_SECRET} and encode it to base 64.
    • Take note of the encoded base 64 string. We'll call this {BASE_64}.
  • If you're on Windows or don't have the curl command, head over to

    • Press enter.
    • Clear the pre-filled command.
  • If you're on Linux or Mac with the curl command, open up your preferred terminal.

  • Run the following command (replace {BASE_64} and {CODE} with their respective values):

    curl \
      -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
      -H "Authorization: Basic {BASE_64}" \
      -d "grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=https://localhost:3000/callback&code={CODE}" \
  • If you did everything correctly, you should get a response in the form of a JSON object.

    • Take note of the refresh_token's value. We'll call this {REFRESH_TOKEN}.

3. Host on Vercel 🌀

  • Fork this repository.
  • Head over to Vercel and create an account if you don't already have one.
    • Add a new project.
      • Link your GitHub account if you haven't done so already.
      • Make sure Vercel has access to the forked respository.
      • Import the forked respository into your project.
        • Give it a meaningful project name.
        • Keep the default options for the other settings.
        • Add the following environment variables along with their appropriate values:
          • CLIENT_ID{CLIENT_ID}.
        • Click Deploy.
        • Click Continue to Dashboard.
          • Find the Domains field and take note of the URL.
            • Example: {PROJECT_NAME}

4. Add to your GitHub 🚀

  • In any markdown file, add the following (replace {PROJECT_NAME} with the name you gave your Vercel project):

    <a href="https://{PROJECT_NAME}">
      <img src="https://{PROJECT_NAME}" alt="Current Spotify Song">
    <a href="">Source Repo</a>
  • Please leave the anchor tag hyperlink reference to this GitHub repo to retain creator credit and for other users to find!


To customize the widget, add query parameters to the endpoint. There are many possible combinations! See how it pairs with other widgets on my own README! (If you're on mobile and have a small screen, use a desktop browser or change the zoom level to zoom out.)

Parameter Default Values
spin false false, true
scan false false, true
theme light light, dark
rainbow false false, true
top false false, true
random false false, true

Keep Your Fork Up To Date

You can keep your fork, and thus your private Vercel instance up to date with the upstream using GitHub's Sync Fork button.