NOTE: This repository is deprecated. Please use directly the Lenses REST API.
Python library for managing REST and WS APIs.
pip install lensesio==4.0.1
See Python documentation.
For additional information about specific payloads, visit Lenses API:
- Python - for Apache Kafka
- Documentation
- Table of Contents
- Authentication
- Basic Auth
- Kerberos Auth
- Get User Info after authentication
- Kafka Topics
- List Kafka ACLs
- Set Kafka ACLs
- Delete Kafka ACLs
- Managing Connect Distributed
- Create a Connector
- List all connectors
- Get information about a connector
- Get Connector's Configuration
- Get Connector's Status
- Get Connector's Tasks
- Get Connector's Task Status
- Restart a Task
- Get Connector's plugins
- Pause a Connector
- Resume a Connector
- Restart a Connector
- Update Connector's configuration
- Delete a Connector
- Get all kafka Consumers
- List all Consumer names
- SQL Engine
- Create a Topic via SQL Engine
- SQL Processors
- Data Flows
- Data Policy
- Kafka Quotas
- Get All Quotas
- Set Quotas All Users
- Set User Quota for a Client
- Set Quota for User
- Set Quota for all Clients
- Set Quota for a Client
- Delete Quota for all Users
- Delete User Quota for all Clients
- Delete User Quota for a Client
- Delete Quota for User
- Delete Quota for all Clients
- Delete Quota for a Client
- Administration
- Create a User Group
- View Groups
- Update a Group
- Delete a Group
- Create a User
- Get all Users
- Update a User
- Change User's Password
- Delete a User
- Create a Service Account
- Update a Service Account
- Add a new Token to a Service Account
- Add a new Random Token to a Service Account
- Delete a Service Account
- Get Configuration
- Get Auditing events
- Get Alerts
- Get Logs
- Schema Registry
- Get all Schemas
- Register a new Schema
- List Versions of a Schema
- Get Schema by ID
- Get Global Compatibility
- Update Global Compatibility
- Change Compatibility of a Schema
- Get Compatibility of a Schema
- Update a Schema (If compatible)
- Get a certain version of a Schema
- Delete a Schema version
- Delete a Schema (all versions)
- Authentication
- Table of Contents
- Installation
There are three different ways that can be used for authentication.
Authentication Type | Description |
basic | Basic (Accont) Authentication |
service | Service Account (Token Based) |
krb5 | Kerberos Authentication |
Parameters for the basic_auth method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type | Default |
auth_type | Authentication Type | Yes | String | None |
url | Lenses Endpoint | Yes | String | None |
username | Username | Yes | String | None |
password | Password | Yes | String | None |
For basic authentication, issue:
from lensesio.lenses import main
lenses_lib = main(
Parameters for the krb_auth method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type | Default |
auth_type | Authentication Type | Yes | String | None |
url | Lenses Endpoint | Yes | String | None |
krb_service | Service | Yes | String | None |
Note: Kerberos support is only supported for linux platform and is not enabled by default.
To enable Kerberos support follow kerberos dependency step in the Install
section at the end
pip3 install dist/lensesio-4.0.1-py3-none-any.whl[kerberos]
For Kerberos authentcation, issue:
from lensesio.lenses import main
lenses_lib = main(
To get the authenticated user info, issue:
userInfo = lenses_lib.UserInfo()
{'permissions': ['ManageConnectors',
'security': {'http': False, 'kerberos': True, 'ldap': False},
'token': '***',
'user': '***'}
Examples with methods used to work with Kafka Tpics
To get a list with all kafka topics, issue
topicsList = lenses_lib.LstOfTopicsNames()
To get detailed description for all kafka topics, issue
kafkaTopics = lenses_lib.GetAllTopics()
[{'configs': 25,
'consumers': 1,
'isCompacted': False,
'topicName': 'connect-configs',
{'configs': 25,
'consumers': 0,
To get a detailed description for a particular topic, issue
topicInfo = lenses_lib.TopicInfo('connect-configs')
{'applications': [],
'config': [{'defaultValue': 'more than 1000y',
'documentation': None,
'isDefault': True,
'name': '',
'originalValue': '9223372036854775807',
'value': 'more than 1000y'},
{'defaultValue': '1 MB',
'documentation': None,
'isDefault': True,
'name': 'max.message.bytes',
'originalValue': '1000012',
'value': '1 MB'},
Parameters for the CreateTopic method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type | Default |
topicName | Topic's Name | Yes | String | - |
partitions | Topic's partitions | Yes | Int. | - |
replication | Topic's replication number | Yes | Int. | - |
config | Dict with Topic options | No | Json | - |
To create a topic, first create a dictionary with the options below
config = {
"cleanup.policy": "compact",
"compression.type": "snappy"
The issue the CreateTopic method
result = lenses_lib.CreateTopic(
'Topic [test_topic] created'
Parameters for the UpdateTopicConfig method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type | Default |
topicName | Topic's Name | Yes | String | - |
config | Dict with Topic options | No | Json | - |
Create the configuration with the desired options
config = {"configs": [{"key": "cleanup.policy", "value": "compact"}]}
Use the UpdateTopicConfig method to update the topic's configuration
result = lenses_lib.UpdateTopicConfig('test_topic', config)
'Topic [test_topic] updated config with [SetTopicConfiguration(...'
Parameters for the DeleteTopicRecords method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type | Default |
topic | Topic's Name | Yes | String | - |
partition | Topic's partition | Yes | Int | - |
offset | Topic's offset | Yes | Int | - |
Records can be deleted by providing a range of offsets
result = lenses_lib.DeleteTopicRecords('test_topic', "0", "10")
"Records from topic '%s' and partition '0' up to offset '10'" % 'test_topic'
Parameters for the DeleteTopic method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type | Default |
topicname | Topic's Name | Yes | String | - |
Delete a topic called test_topic
by using the DeleteTopic method
result = lenses_lib.DeleteTopic("test_topic")
"Topic 'test_topic' has been marked for deletion"
Example of listing kafka acls. Here we have not set any acls, hence we get an empty list
result = lenses_lib.GetAcl()
Parameters for the SetAcl method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
resourceType | | Yes | String |
resourceName | - | Yes | String |
principal | - | Yes | String |
permissionType | - | Yes | String |
host | - | Yes | String |
operation | - | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.SetAcl("TOPIC", "transactions", "GROUPA:UserA", "ALLOW", "*", "READ")
Parameters for the DelAcl method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
resourceType | | Yes | String |
resourceName | - | Yes | String |
principal | - | Yes | String |
permissionType | - | Yes | String |
host | - | Yes | String |
operation | - | Yes | String |
To delete a Kafka ACL, issue:
result = lenses_lib.DelAcl("TOPIC", "transactions", "GROUPA:UserA", "ALLOW", "*", "READ")
Below we include examples for the methods used to manage kafka connect
Parameters for the CreateConnector method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
configs | Connector's config dict | Yes | Json |
If you have configured Lenses with Connect, then you can use the CreateConnector
method for creating a new connector.
First, create the configuration that describes the connector
config = {
"name": "test_connector",
"config": {
"connector.class": "org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceConnector",
"tasks.max": "1",
"topic": "test_connector_topic"
The create the connector by issuing:
Note: dev
is the connect cluster's name.
result = lenses_lib.CreateConnector('dev', config)
{'name': 'test_connector',
'config': {'connector.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceConnector',
'tasks.max': '1',
'topic': 'test_connector_topic',
'name': 'test_connector'},
'tasks': [{'connector': 'test_connector', 'task': 0}],
'type': 'source'}
Parameters for the GetConnectors method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.GetConnectors('dev')
['test_connector', 'logs-broker', 'nullsink']
Parameters for the GetConnectorInfo method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
connector | Connector's name | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.GetConnectorInfo('dev', 'test_connector')
{'name': 'test_connector',
'config': {'connector.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceConnector',
'tasks.max': '1',
'name': 'test_connector',
'topic': 'test_connector_topic'},
'tasks': [{'connector': 'test_connector', 'task': 0}],
'type': 'source'}
Parameters for the GetConnectorConfig method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
connector | Connector's name | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.GetConnectorConfig('dev', 'test_connector')
{'connector.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceConnector',
'tasks.max': '1',
'name': 'test_connector',
'topic': 'test_connector_topic'}
Parameters for the GetConnectorStatus method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
connector | Connector's name | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.GetConnectorStatus('dev', 'test_connector')
{'name': 'test_connector',
'connector': {'state': 'RUNNING', 'worker_id': ''},
'tasks': [{'id': 0, 'state': 'RUNNING', 'worker_id': ''}],
'type': 'source'}
Parameters for the GetConnectorTasks method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
connector | Connector's name | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.GetConnectorTasks('dev', 'test_connector')
[{'id': {'connector': 'test_connector', 'task': 0},
'config': {'task.class': 'org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceTask',
'batch.size': '2000',
'topic': 'test_connector_topic'}}]
Parameters for the GetStatusTask method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
connector | Connector's name | Yes | String |
task_id | Connector's task ID | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.GetStatusTask('dev', 'test_connector', '0')
{'id': 0, 'state': 'RUNNING', 'worker_id': ''}
Parameters for the RestartConnectorTask method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
connector | Connector's name | Yes | String |
task_id | Connector's task ID | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.RestartConnectorTask('dev', 'test_connector', '0')
Parameters for the GetConnectorPlugins method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.GetConnectorPlugins('dev')
[{'author': '',
'class': 'com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.influx.InfluxSinkConnector',
'description': 'Store Kafka data into InfluxDB',
'version': '2.2.1-L0'},
{'author': 'Apache Kafka',
'version': '2.2.1-L0'}]
Parameters for the PauseConnector method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
connector | Connector's name | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.PauseConnector('dev', 'test_connector')
Parameters for the ResumeConnector method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
connector | Connector's name | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.ResumeConnector('dev', 'test_connector')
Parameters for the RestartConnector method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
connector | Connector's name | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.RestartConnector('dev', 'test_connector')
Parameters for the SetConnectorConfig method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
connector | Connector's name | Yes | String |
configs | Connector's config dict | Yes | Json |
config = {
"name": "test_connector",
"connector.class": "org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceConnector",
"tasks.max": "5",
"topic": "test_connector_topic"
result = lenses_lib.SetConnectorConfig('dev', 'test_connector', config)
Parameters for the DeleteConnector method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
cluster | Connect cluster | Yes | String |
connector | Connector's name | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.DeleteConnector('dev', 'test_connector')
result = lenses_lib.GetConsumers()
[{'active': False,
'application': None,
'consumers': [],
'consumersCount': 0,
'coordinator': {'host': '-', 'id': -1, 'port': -1, 'rack': ''},
'id': 'connect-fast-data',
'maxLag': None,
'minLag': None,
'state': 'CoordinatorNotFound',
'topicPartitionsCount': 8}]
result = lenses_lib.GetConsumersNames()
Examples for the methods used for running sql commands for the SQL Engine
Parameters for the ExecSQL method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
Query | SQL Query | Yes | String |
query = (
"CREATE TABLE greetings(_key string, _value string) FORMAT (string, string)"
result = lenses_lib.ExecSQL(query)
'data': [
'value': {
'flag': True,
'info': 'Topic greetings has been created'
query = (
"INSERT INTO greetings(_key, _value) VALUES('Hello', 'World')"
result = lenses_lib.ExecSQL(query)
'data': [{'value': {'flag': True, 'info': '1 records inserted'}, 'rownum': 0}],
query = (
"SELECT * FROM greetings limit 1"
result = lenses_lib.ExecSQL(query)
'ERROR': [],
'data': [{'key': 'Hello',
'metadata': {'__keysize': 5,
'__valsize': 5,
'offset': 0,
'partition': 0,
'timestamp': 1579540609297},
'rownum': 0,
'value': 'World'}],
'metadata': {'fields': ['offset',
query = (
"DROP TABLE greetings"
result = lenses_lib.ExecSQL(query)
{'ERROR': [],
'data': [{'rownum': 0, 'value': True}],
Examples with methods used to manage SQL Processors
Parameters for the CreateProcessor method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
name | Processors name | Yes | String |
sql | SQL Query | Yes | String |
runners | SQL Processor's runners | Yes | String |
clusterName | Cluster's name | Yes | String |
namespace | K8 Namespace | No | String |
pipeline | SQL Pipeline tag | No | String |
query = (
"SET defaults.topic.autocreate=true; insert into test_processor_target SELECT TABLE * FROM test_processor_source"
result = lenses_lib.CreateProcessor(name="test_processor", sql=query, runnerCount=1, clusterName='dev', namespace='ns')
Parameters for the PauseProcessor method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
name | Processors name | Yes | String |
First get the processor's ID
processor_id = lenses_lib.GetProcessorID('test_processor')
Next use the PauseProcessor
method to pause the processor
result = lenses_lib.PauseProcessor(processor_id[0])
Parameters for the ResumeProcessor method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
name | Processors name | Yes | String |
processor_id = lenses_lib.GetProcessorID('test_processor')
result = lenses_lib.ResumeProcessor(processor_id[0])
Parameters for the UpdateProcessorRunners method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
name | Processors name | Yes | String |
runners | SQL Processor's runners | Yes | String |
processor_id = lenses_lib.GetProcessorID('test_processor')
lenses_lib.UpdateProcessorRunners(processor_id[0], '4')
Parameters for the DeleteProcessor method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
name | Processors name | Yes | String |
processor_id = lenses_lib.GetProcessorID('test_processor')
result = lenses_lib.DeleteProcessor(processor_id[0])
You can view the data flow in your cluster by using the GetFlows
Note: With GetFlows()
you can view the IDs of all consumers/producers along with any relations to others consumers/producers. Example: { source -> kafka -> sink }
result = lenses_lib.GetFlows()
{'dev:logs-broker': {'descendants': ['TOPIC-logs_broker'],
'description': '\nName:logs-broker\nInstance:/var/log/broker.log',
'label': 'dev:logs-broker',
'parents': [],
'type': 'SOURCE',
'relations': {}},
'dev:nullsink': {'descendants': [],
'description': '\nName:nullsink\nInstance:/dev/null',
'label': 'dev:nullsink',
'parents': ['TOPIC-nyc_yellow_taxi_trip_data',
'type': 'SINK',
'relations': {}},
'lsql_585e96e284804792be0875af0559da9e': {'descendants': ['TOPIC-fast_vessel_processor'],
'description': 'SET autocreate=true;\n\nINSERT INTO fast_vessel_processor\n SELECT MMSI, Speed, Longitude AS Long, Latitude AS Lat, `Timestamp`\n FROM sea_vessel_position_reports\n WHERE Speed > 10;',
'label': 'filter_fast_vessels',
'parents': ['TOPIC-sea_vessel_position_reports'],
'type': 'PROCESSOR',
'relations': {}}}
Examples with methos used to manage data policies in Lenses
Parameters for the SetPolicy method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
name | Policy name | Yes | String |
obfuscation | Whether to protect messages at a field level | Yes | String |
impactType | The business impact levels in relation to the data | Yes | String |
category | Category of sensitivity in the data | Yes | Str/List |
fields | Definition of fields that the data policy will apply to | No | Str/List |
result = lenses_lib.SetPolicy("test_policy","All","HIGH","test_category",["test_field"])
policies = lenses_lib.ViewPolicy()
[{'category': 'test_category',
'fields': ['test_field'],
'id': 'c844ecd4-7cbd-4ec3-82f0-f3750a692efd',
'impact': {'apps': [], 'connectors': [], 'processors': [], 'topics': []},
'impactType': 'HIGH',
'lastUpdated': '2020-01-20T17:27:49.368Z',
'lastUpdatedUser': 'devops@DEV.LOCAL',
'name': 'test_policy',
'obfuscation': 'All',
'versions': 0}]
Parameters for the DelPolicy method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
name | Policy name | Yes | String |
Examples with methods used to manage Kafka quotas
Parameters for the SetQuotasAllUsers method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
config | Quota Configuration Dict | Yes | Json |
"producer_byte_rate": "100000",
"consumer_byte_rate": "200000",
"request_percentage": "75"
Parameters for the SetQuotaUserClient method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
config | Quota Configuration Dict | Yes | Json |
user | The user to set the quota for | Yes | String |
clientid | The client id to set the quota for | Yes | String |
lenses_lib.SetQuotaUserClient('admin', 'admin', QUOTA_CONFIG)
Parameters for the SetQuotaUser method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
config | Quota Configuration Dict | Yes | Json |
user | The user to set the quota for | Yes | String |
lenses_lib.SetQuotaUser("admin", QUOTA_CONFIG)
Parameters for the SetQuotaAllClient method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
config | Quota Configuration Dict | Yes | Json |
Parameters for the SetQuotaClient method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
config | Quota Configuration Dict | Yes | Json |
clientid | The client id to set the quota for | Yes | String |
lenses_lib.SetQuotaClient("admin", QUOTA_CONFIG)
Parameters for the DeleteQutaAllUsers method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
config | Quota Configuration Dict | Yes | Json |
config = ['consumer_byte_rate', 'producer_byte_rate', 'request_percentage']
Parameters for the DeleteQuotaUserAllClients method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
config | Quota Configuration Dict | Yes | Json |
user | The user to delete the quota for | Yes | String |
config = ['consumer_byte_rate', 'producer_byte_rate', 'request_percentage']
lenses_lib.DeleteQuotaUserAllClients("admin", config)
Parameters for the DeleteQuotaUserClient method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
config | Quota Configuration Dict | Yes | Json |
user | The user to delete the quota for | Yes | String |
clientid | The client id to delete the quota for | Yes | String |
config = ['consumer_byte_rate', 'producer_byte_rate', 'request_percentage']
lenses_lib.DeleteQuotaUserClient("admin", "admin", config)
Parameters for the DeleteQuotaUser method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
config | Quota Configuration Dict | Yes | Json |
user | The user to delete the quota for | Yes | String |
config = ['consumer_byte_rate', 'producer_byte_rate', 'request_percentage']
lenses_lib.DeleteQuotaUser("admin", config)
Parameters for the DeleteQuotaAllClients method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
config | Quota Configuration Dict | Yes | Json |
config = ['consumer_byte_rate', 'producer_byte_rate', 'request_percentage']
Parameters for the DeleteQuotaClient method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
config | Quota Configuration Dict | Yes | Json |
clientid | The client id to delete the quota for | Yes | String |
config = ['consumer_byte_rate', 'producer_byte_rate', 'request_percentage']
lenses_lib.DeleteQuotaClient('admin', config)
Examples with methods provided for managing the Lenses Admin interface
Parameters for the CreateGroup method
Note: For additional information about the Groups payload, visit:
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
payload | Group configuration | Yes | Json |
group_payload = {
result = lenses_lib.GetGroups()
[{'name': 'devops',
'description': None,
'namespaces': [{'wildcards': ['*'],
'permissions': ['CreateTopic',
Parameters for the UpdateGroup method
Note: For additional information about the Groups payload, visit:
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
payload | Group configuration | Yes | Json |
group | Group's name | Yes | String |
group_payload = {
result = lenses_lib.UpdateGroup("test_group", group_payload)
Parameters for the DeleteGroup method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
group | Group's name | Yes | String |
Parameters for the CreateUser method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
acType | Accont Type: BASIC or KERBEROS | Yes | String |
username | Username | Yes | String |
password | Password | Yes | String |
Email Address | No | String | |
groups | Group or Groups | Yes | Str/List |
Note: you must create a group prior to creating a user
result = lenses_lib.GetUsers()
[{'username': 'test_user',
'email': None,
'groups': ['test_group_user'],
'isActive': False,
'type': 'BASIC'},
{'username': 'devops@DEV.LOCAL',
'email': None,
'groups': ['devops'],
'isActive': True,
'type': 'KERBEROS'}]
Parameters for the UpdateUser method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
acType | Accont Type: BASIC or KERBEROS | Yes | String |
username | Username | Yes | String |
password | Password | Yes | String |
Email Address | No | String | |
groups | Group or Groups | Yes | Str/List |
result = lenses_lib.UpdateUser(
Parameters for the UpdateUserPassword method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
username | Username | Yes | String |
password | Password | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.UpdateUserPassword(
Parameters for the DeleteUser method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
username | Username | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.DeleteUser(
Parameters for the CreateSA method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
name | Service Account Name | Yes | String |
groups | Group or Groups | Yes | Str/List |
owner | Owner of service account | Yes | String |
token | Token (Do not set for a random token) | No | String |
Note you must first create a group and a user before creating a service account
result = lenses_lib.CreateSA(
Parameters for the CreateSA method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
name | Service Account Name | Yes | String |
groups | Group or Groups | Yes | Str/List |
owner | Owner of service account | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.UpdateSA(
groups=["test_group_sa", "test_group_user"],
Parameters for the UpdateSAToken method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
name | Service Account Name | Yes | String |
token | Token (Do not set for a random token) | No | String |
Note: adding a new token, automatically expires the old one
result = lenses_lib.UpdateSAToken(
Note: adding a new token, automatically expires the old one
result = lenses_lib.UpdateSAToken(name="test_sa",)
Parameters for the DeleteSA method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
name | Service Account Name | Yes | String |
result = lenses_lib.DeleteSA(name="test_sa")
result = lenses_lib.GetConfig()
{'lenses.ip': '',
'lenses.jmx.port': 9586,
'lenses.zookeeper.hosts': [{'jmx': '', 'url': ''}]}
result = lenses_lib.Audits()
{'action': 'ADD',
'content': {'name': 'test_user',
'groups': 'test_group_user',
'password': '*****',
'type': 'BASIC'},
'resourceId': 'test_user',
'resourceName': None,
'timestamp': 1579543219695,
'user': 'devops@DEV.LOCAL'}
result = lenses_lib.Alerts()
{'alertId': 4001,
'category': 'Topics',
'docs': None,
'instance': 'test_topic',
'level': 'INFO',
'map': {'topic': 'test_topic'},
'summary': "Topic 'test_topic' has been deleted by admin",
'tags': [],
'timestamp': 1579542199932}
result = lenses_lib.GetLogs()
{'level': 'INFO',
'logger': '',
'message': 'Request: GET->http://localhost:9991/api/audit?pageSize=999999999 '
'returned 200 OK in 43ms',
'stacktrace': '',
'thread': '',
'time': '2020-01-20 18:11:02.924',
'timestamp': 1579543862924},
{'level': 'INFO',
'logger': '',
'message': 'Request: GET->http://localhost:9991/api/audit?pageSize=999999999 '
'returned 200 OK in 12ms',
'stacktrace': '',
'thread': '',
'time': '2020-01-20 18:11:07.800',
'timestamp': 1579543867800},
{'level': 'INFO',
'logger': '',
'message': 'Request: '
'GET->http://localhost:9991/api/alerts?pageSize=999999999 '
'returned 200 OK in 15ms',
'stacktrace': '',
'thread': '',
'time': '2020-01-20 18:12:06.479',
'timestamp': 1579543926479},
Examples with methods used to manage schemas.
result = lenses_lib.GetAllSubjects()
Parameters for the RegisterNewSchema method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
subject | Schemas Name | Yes | String |
subject_json | Schema | Yes | Json |
To register a new schema first create the schema config
Finally issue:
result = lenses_lib.RegisterNewSchema('test_schema', SCHEMA_CONFIG)
Parameters for the ListVersionsSubj method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
subject | Schemas Name | Yes | String |
To list the versions of schema named test_schema
result = lenses_lib.ListVersionsSubj('test_schema')
Parameters for the GetSchemaById method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
subjid | ID of Schema | Yes | Int. |
To get a schema by it's ID issue:
result = lenses_lib.GetGlobalCompatibility()
Parameters for the UpdateGlobalCompatibility method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
compatibility | Schema Compatibility | Yes | Json |
Note: see under register new schema for the COMPATIBILITY_CONFIG_UPDATE
To update global compatibility issue:
Parameters for the ChangeCompatibility method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
subject | Schemas Name | Yes | String |
compatibility | Schema Compatibility | Yes | Json |
Change compatibility of schema named test_schema
lenses_lib.ChangeCompatibility('test_schema', COMPATIBILITY_CONFIG_UPDATE)
Parameters for the GetCompatibility method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
subject | Schemas Name | Yes | String |
Get compatibility of schema named test_schema
Parameters for the UpdateSchema method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
subject | Schemas Name | Yes | String |
subject_json | Schema | Yes | Json |
To update the schema, first export the updated schema
Finally issue:
lenses_lib.UpdateSchema('test_schema', SCHEMA_CONFIG_UPDATE)
Parameters for the GetSchemaByVer method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
subject | Schemas Name | Yes | String |
verid | Version of Schema | Yes | Int. |
To get schema version issue:
lenses_lib.GetSchemaByVer('test_schema', subj_ver)
Parameters for the GetSchemaByVer method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
subject | Schemas Name | Yes | String |
verid | Version of Schema | Yes | Int. |
Delete schema version from schema named test_schema
lenses_lib.DeleteSchemaByVersion("test_schema", subj_ver)
Parameters for the GetSchemaByVer method
Parameter Name | Description | Requried | Type |
subject | Schemas Name | Yes | String |
Delete schema named test_schema
- pip3
- setuptools
- wheel
Install Pip3:
curl -o
rm -f
pip3 install setuptools wheel
Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper:
pip3.8 install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
cat >> ~/.bashrc <<EOF
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/VirtEnv/.virtualenvs
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.8
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV_ARGS=' -p /usr/bin/python3.8'
source /usr/bin/
source ~/.bashrc
All virtualenvs and their packages will be installed under ~/VirtEnv/.virtualenvs
ls ~/VirtEnv/.virtualenvs
get_env_details initialize machinelab postactivate ...
####### Create a python virtual environment:
mkvirtualenv myvirtenv
Activate the virtualenv (activated by default after creation):
# To activate just run workon myvirtenv
[user@hostname]$ workon myvirtenv
(myvirtenv)[user@hostname]$ deactivate
rmvirtualenv myvirtenv
Note: This requires setuptools
and wheel
(See Build Dependencies above)
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
You can install by using pip
pip3 install dist/lensesio-4.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
for kerberos support, issue
Note: This is only for Linux,Darwin OS
pip3 install dist/lensesio-4.0.1-py3-none-any.whl[kerberos]
Will be handled automatically
Automatically installed |
tox |
pytest |
flake8 |
Must be installed manually
Must be Present |
Docker |
Virtualenv |
Storage Requirements
Type | Storage |
Lenses Box | 1.53 G |
Virtual 3.8 Env | 139 M |
Memory Requirements
Integration tests will run Lenses-Box, which requires ~4G of memory.
virtualenv --python=python3 virtenv
source virtenv/bin/activate
Note: To run the docker images. First download a valid license to your host and copy it under repository/_resources/lenses-kerberos/license.json. You can find a dev license key here
make docker
Note: Run tests require a running container instance of lenses-box with container name lenses-box
Apart from the container, they also require: LensesUrl="http://localhost:3030", username="admin", password="admin".
If you do not have such an instance running, make sure to follow the make docker
target from above.
make test
To stop and remove the dockers containers that make docker
target initiated, issue:
make docker_clean
The project is licensed under the Apache 2 license.