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Cameron Johnson edited this page Nov 27, 2013 · 3 revisions

My Settings

My Settings

Change logged in users information such as username and password.


Settings Users

You can manage multiple backend users here and limit what users can access through permissions.


Settings Roles

Configure user roles. Specify what roles can create orders and receive "Out of stock" notifications.

Email Settings

Email Settings

Manage the sender name and sender email for all outgoing emails.

Email Templates

Settings Email Templates

Edit the email message templates that your store sends to customers and the store team members.


Settings Modules

On the modules page you can see the Active and Disabled modules currently in your LemonStand store.

Maintenance Mode

Settings Maintenance Mode

The Maintenance Mode feature allows you to display a special maintenance message to visitors while you are developing the website. To use the maintenance mode you first need to create a page with the maintenance message.