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Cameron Johnson edited this page Dec 10, 2013 · 11 revisions

This guide will show you how to create a product for your LemonStand store.

Product Information

Edit Product

Name: The value inputed here will be the name displayed for you product on the front-end of your store.

Status: This toggle determines whether the product is visible in your store.

Short Description and Long Description: Values of these fields can appear on the front-end website, depending on implementation of the product list and product page.

Edit Product

Categories: A list of categories the product belongs to. A product can belong to multiple categories.

SKU: A unique identifier of a product.

URL name: The URL name parameter is a string which identifies a product in URLs. A value of this parameter must be unique.

Manufacturer: You can assign a manufacturer to each product and display the information on the product page of your site.

Product Type: This field lets you assign a product type which controls if the product is shippable and if it has downloadable files.

Dimensions: These fields are used for evaluating a cost of shipping. Units for the length and weight are configured on the Settings/Shipping Config page under the Units section.


Product Price

Base Price: The price of the product before taxes and discounts. If your store is tax inclusive the enter the base price with the tax applied.

Tax Class: Specifies a tax class the product belongs to. A tax class determines a rate of a tax to apply to the product price, depending on customer shipping address. You can configure tax classes on the Shop/Tax Classes page.

Cost: The product cost is used to calculate the revenue value for the reports. This field is not visible on the store front-end.


Product Inventory

Track Product Inventory: Enables inventory tracking for the product.

Hide When Out of Stock: When enabled the product will not show up on the front-end of your store when out of stock.

Allow Negative Stock: When enabled allows the product to have negative stock.

Units in stock: The current amount of units in stock for the product. Cannot be altered directly.

Inventory Correction: Using the inventory correction you can add or remove units from the product stock. Positive number increase stock, negative number decrease stock.

Description for the Correction: Allows you to write a reason for changing the units in stock for later reference.

Out of Stock Threshold: The number of units at which the product is considered "out of stock".

Allow pre-order: Allows the product to be purchase even when out of stock.


Product Images

You can upload multiple images for the product which will be displayed on the front-end of your store.


Product Attributes

Attributes are structured text information assigned to a product and displayed on the product details page.

Adding an Attribute

To add an attribute to the product, click the plus sign and the attribute's name and value fields will appear. If you want to have multiple attributes you can just click the plus sign again to bring up more attribute fields.

Attribute Name: This field will display the name of the attribute on the product page of your store.

Value: The value is used to describe the attribute.

Save Attribute Set As: You can use this option to save your list of attributes to be used on other products.

Overwrite Existing Set: You can use this to overwrite existing attributes with a new list.

Load Existing Set: This drop-down allows you to choose from previously saved attribute sets so you can apply the same list of attributes to similar products.


Product Options

Product options are product parameters which a customer can select from the drop-down menus, and you will see them in the order details.

To add a new option to the product, click the insert row button under the options heading. This will create a new row where you can specify the name and values of the option.

Name: This column describes the option available for the product.

Values: This column allows you to enter multiple values for the customer to choose from. After entering a value press the Enter key to finish editing the value and to start a new one. The values are NOT comma separated.

Generate Product Variants: This button will generate a list of all possible combinations for each option.


Product Variants

The Product Variants feature allows to quickly create virtual products based on combinations of product options, which allows you to have individual stock management, price and images for each option combination.

Edit Variant

Product Variant

SKU: A unique identifier of a product variant.

Status: This toggle determines whether the product variant is visible in your store.

Dimensions: These fields overwrite the product dimensions if the variant is selected.

Product Variant Pricing

Base Price: Overwrites base price of the product if the variant is selected.

Cost: Overwrites cost of the product if the variant is selected.

Product Variant images

The product variants can track their own inventory when the track variant inventory is enabled. If it is not enabled, the variant will use the parent product's inventory.

Product Variant images

You can upload product images specific to the variant in this section. If no image is uploaded the main product image will be used.