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Advanced Configuration

Justin Nearing edited this page Dec 13, 2016 · 1 revision

All Settings

  • api_host [required]

    Your full LemonStand domain

  • api_key [required]

    The Public Key of your LemonStand API key (created in your store administration panel)

  • api_access [required]

    The API Token of your LemonStand API key (also available in your store administration panel)

  • watch_dir [required]

    This is the directory that LemonSync will listen to changes on.

  • store_host [required]

    The host name of your store.

  • file_patterns [optional]

    By default, LemonSync will listen to changes on all files, that are not specified in the ignore_patterns setting. Values need to be comma separated, and enclosed in square brackets.

  • ignore_patterns [optional]

    By default, LemonSync will ignore any .tmp and git/ files. Patterns are matched based on Unix style "globbing". Values need to be comma separated, and enclosed in square brackets.

api_host [required]

  • api_host is the full URL of your store


  1. - if your store name is my-curios-shop and does not use a custom domain.
  2. - if you have a custom domain and have SSL configured.

Note: LemonSync will only modify the theme marked as the editing theme for the user who owns this API key. You can put a theme into editing mode by using the theme settings in the LemonStand backend.

watch_dir [required]

The watch_dir should point to your local theme folder, which should have the theme.yaml file in it.

file_patterns [optional]


  • Watch for changes only to .js and .css files.

    file_patterns = [ "*.js", "*.css" ]
  • Watch for changes in specific directories.

     file_patterns = [ "*/pages/*", "*/resources/*" ]

    This will match against all directories named pages and resources in your watch_dir. To watch on the root level pages and resources directories only, you need to specify the full path to the directories.

    file_patterns = [ "/full/path/to/pages/*", "/full/path/to/resources/*" ]
  • Watch for changes to specific files in directories.

    file_patterns = [ "*/pages/*.js", "*/resources/*.css" ]

ignore_patterns [optional]

  • Ignore a specific file. This will ignore all occurrences of file.ext in any sub-directory.

    ignore_patterns = [ "*/file.ext" ]

    To match a file in a specific directory, the full path needs to be specified.

    ignore_patterns = [ "/full/path/to/file.ext" ]
  • Ignore directories.

    ignore_patterns = [ "*/directory/*" ]

    To match a specific directory you need to specify the full path.

    ignore_patterns = [ "/full/path/to/directory/*" ]