The KnowBrain (KB) is a self-hosting dropbox like knowledge repository. It's using the REST-API for
- storing (upload, create),
- sharing,
- (re)structuring hierarchical collections
- searching,
- discussing and tagging digital artifacts of the Social Semantic Server (SSS).
Important: You need a SSS installation for using the KnowBrain:
- The SSS: https://github.com/learning-layers/SocialSemanticServer
- Installation: http://developer.learning-layers.eu/documentation/social-semantic-server/setup/
- REST-API: http://developer.learning-layers.eu/documentation/social-semantic-server/rest-api/
##How to Get the Source Code
You can check out the code, as follows:
$git clone https://github.com/learning-layers/KnowBrain.git
##Installation Follow these 3 small steps:
Deploy the KnowBrain source into an ordinary webserver e.g apache (htdocs)
Edit the REST-API script links in the KB index.html file:
- social server globals
- social server connector wrappers
- social server connectors
- social server entities
- now you should be able to reach the SSS and login to the KB (open index.html in a modern web-browser)
Please note: This is an early Version. It's functions have only been tested in Google Chrome browser.
- Dieter Theiler, Know-Center, Graz University of Technology, dtheiler@tugraz.at