Follow these steps to set up a Juno juno-1
archive node:
Install Juno:
######################### ## BEGIN: Install Juno ## ######################### git clone cd juno set PROMPT 'You\'ll be prompted to enter a tag. If you\'re going to download a snapshot, then enter the version\'s' set PROMPT "$PROMPT tag that the snapshot supports. Otherwise, enter the first version\'s tag (i.e., v3.0.0). Tags"" set PROMPT "$PROMPT can be found at Enter the tag: " read -P $PROMPT TAG git checkout $TAG make install ####################### ## END: Install Juno ## ####################### $DAEMON_NAME config chain-id juno-1 $DAEMON_NAME init $MONIKER curl > $DAEMON_HOME/config/genesis.json # Prevent mempool from getting spammed. sed 's|minimum-gas-prices = .*|minimum-gas-prices = "0.0025ujuno"|' -i $DAEMON_HOME/config/app.toml ###################### ## BEGIN: Set peers ## ###################### set CHAIN_REPO set PEERS (curl -sL $CHAIN_REPO/persistent_peers.txt) sed "s|persistent_peers = .*|persistent_peers = \"$PEERS\"|" -i $DAEMON_HOME/config/config.toml #################### ## END: Set peers ## ####################
Set up Cosmovisor.