This portfolio site was built with a mobile-first mindset and a fully responsive design that is compatible with various screen sizes, using React, HTML and CSS.
- EmailJS has been integrated so that I am able to receive emails from visitors who use the contact form.
- A CSS-only carousel on each project card so that users to view snapshots of my projects.
- Click-Scroll NavBar and buttons to allow the user to navigate seamlessly between the sections.
The Live Site is deployed to Netlify.
In order to run this project locally, the following must be installed on your machine:
- Node.js v19.6.1 -Node Package Manager (npm)
- git (and a Github account)
- Fork this repository.
- Via your terminal, navigate to your desired directory or create a new directory using
mkdir <project-name>
. - Clone your forked version of the repository to your local machine using the command
git clone <repo-url>
. - Naviagte into your new directory using
cd <project-name>
and open it with your chosen software, e.g. using the commandcode .
to open it in VSCode. - In your terminal, run
npm install
to install all dependencies. - Then run
npm start
to open the app on your local server.
Happy hacking!