Features · Co-Authors · Project Tree
This project is not and will certainly never be finished, but just in case: the idea (even if it was more possibilities than ideas) was to raycast relative to the islands, to add different boats that have their own properties, add different game mode, add bots of different levels, and make it a network game. For the moment, the interesting elements of this project are the generation of maps, the physics engine, the interface, and the cleanliness of the code.
- parametric map generation
- boat movements
- Adrien Picot (my cousin)
📁 battleship
├─📄 .gitignore
├─📁 assets
│ └─📁 images
│ ├─📄 boat_bot.png
│ ├─📄 boat_enemy.png
│ ├─📄 boat_friendly.png
│ ├─📄 exemple.gif
│ ├─📄 icon.ico
│ ├─📄 icon.png
│ ├─📄 icon_without_sea.png
│ ├─📄 menu_background.png
│ ├─📄 music_off.png
│ ├─📄 music_on.png
│ ├─📄 sound_effects_off.png
│ ├─📄 sound_effects_on.png
│ └─📄 start_button.png
├─📄 desktop.ini
├─📄 main.py
├─📄 README.md
├─📁 src
│ ├─📄 boat.py
│ ├─📄 bullet.py
│ ├─📄 game.py
│ ├─📄 physics.py
│ ├─📄 player.py
│ ├─📄 terrainGen.py
│ └─📁 pycache
│ ├─📄 boat.cpython-311.pyc
│ ├─📄 game.cpython-311.pyc
│ ├─📄 physics.cpython-311.pyc
│ ├─📄 player.cpython-311.pyc
│ └─📄 terrainGen.cpython-311.pyc
└─📁 pycache
└─📄 game.cpython-311.pyc