This memo explains how to compile, deploy, and run smart contracts on a local ethereum network.
It also discusses event transmission from Ethereum to SCXML processes (run by scxmlrun
Truffle (Framework for Solidity)
$ npm install -g truffle
Ganache: local ethereum network for testing
$ npm install -g ganache-cli
Compose a contract in Solidity, and compile & deploy it in the following manner.
$ truffle compile && truffle deploy
Compose test scripts using web3.
Then, launch a new local ethereum network (at port 7545 by default).
$ ganache-cli &
Then, run the test scripts.
$ truffle test
At this moment, there is no 'off-the-shelf' tool but we are on our own.
However, in order to send events from Solidity contracts to a MQTT broker, we just need a bridge script that performs the following operations using web3.js and mqtt.js.
- listen to events emitted by contracts using
. - publish them to a MQTT broker using the
Specifically, for each Solidity event Event emitted by contract, you can define a lister with a callback that looks like:
contract.Event ({...}, {fromBlock:'latest', toBlock:'latest'}, function (err, log) {
payload = "{\"event\":{\"name\":\"" + log.event + "\",...}}";
mqtt.publish (topic, payload);