A collection of ROS packages that handle motion matters such as following, wandering, etc.
cd /catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/lbrombach/practical_motion_ros
cd ..
Please checkout the following individual package readme docs and check the Practical Robotics YouTube channel for tutorials.
A package for defining custom messages and service files used by other nodes in this package. practical_motions_msgs readme
A package with several nodes to facilitate building a list of waypoints, serve waypoints to client nodes, and following waypoints directly with move_base action calls. See the practical_waypoint_follow readme.
If you find my tutorials and projects helpful, consider supporting the development of this and others at BuyMeACoffee. Please use the issues and bug reporting system for bugs and feature requests. With many projects, a job, a family, I can't promise to get to feature requests very quickly, but am definitely listening for feedback to make improvement and will prioritize bugs. I am open to pull requests if you'd like to contribute. I can be contacted by email at lbrombach2@gmail.com.