diff --git a/.github/actions/spelling/allow.txt b/.github/actions/spelling/allow.txt index 79291d91..0a129861 100644 --- a/.github/actions/spelling/allow.txt +++ b/.github/actions/spelling/allow.txt @@ -30,9 +30,754 @@ Bitcoin blogger Breiman Broyden +AAAAABBBCCCC +AAAABBBCCDAA +ABSA +Adagrad +Adelson +Ades +affordability +affordances +aggregators +Agrawala +AHC +Akl +Algorithmsin +altcoin +Alyx +AML +AMR +Analyzingthe +anonymized +antidiagonal +anyons +AOF +applets +Applicationsof +ARIMA +ASes +ASICs +ASPP +ASTs +ATAC +auditability +autoencoder +autopages +backpropagated +Barab +barcode +Bashforth +bbst +BDDs +beamforming +Bellaso +BERTa +Bertinetto +Bezier +BGL +biodiversity +bioinformaticians +bioinspired +bitcoins +bitonic +Bitrate +Bjarne +Blelloch +Bletchley +blockchains +Bongard +botnets +Bouldin +BPG +BPTT +breadthward +Bresenham +Bruijn +BSFC +BSTs +bvh +BWA +CABAC +capex +caregivers +Caudell +CAVLC +CBF +CCPA +CDSS +CELF +cepstral +CFMF +CFNN +chainsaw +Chakraborty +chatbot +Chebyshev +Chellappa +Clojure +Clu +Clustal +cobots +codebreakers +Comaniciu +Computingon +Connectionist +contextuality +contextualization +contigs +Corasick +Corda +coreference +CPMs +CRDTs +CRF +CSPs +curated +curating +cyberattack +cybercrime +cyberspace +Cytoscape +DAIC +Dalal +Damg +Dantzig +Dataon +Datawith +DBSCAN +DCNNs +DDPG +deblurring +deepfake +dendrogram +deoptimization +deprovision +depthward +destructure +DETR +DFBFS +DGM +dht +diagonalized +diarization +directedness +discretize +discretized +distractors +dlt +DMM +Dota +downregulated +downsampled +downsamples +DPDC +DPo +DRM +DRNNs +DStream +DTW +Dwork +Dynabook +dysregulation +EAs +EBNF +ECDLP +ECDSA +ECMP +ecommerce +Efficiencyof +EGARCH +EHR +eigendecomposition +Eigenfaces +eigensolver +Ekert +EKF +Eliece +ELKI +ELMO +Elog +EMH +emoticons +Engelbart +Engelberger +Ent +Entiment +EPFL +Eps +ESX +ESXi +Evolutionof +evolvability +exabytes +exchangers +executables +exoskeletons +exploitability +Exploringthe +factorizes +FASTA +Fatemi +FCM +FCOS +FDMs +FDTD +Feistel +FHE +fibonacci +Fieldof +fintech +Fisherfaces +Flink +Floreano +FMM +fnn +Foldit +foodborne +FPGAs +FPN +FPR +fraudsters +Friedrichs +FVM +Galerkin +gameplay +gamers +gamification +gamifying +GARCH +gbest +GBMs +Gbps +GCN +Genode +geolocation +geotagged +GFS +Ghiassi +Giovan +Giraph +Girshick +Girvan +gisting +gmm +GNFS +GNN +goldmine +Gouraud +gprof +graphein +graphia +grayscale +GRNs +GRUs +GWAS +GZIP +Haemophilus +hardcoding +hashtag +HDBSCAN +HDSP +heteroskedasticity +HEVC +HFT +HHL +HIDS +HMD +HMIs +Hogwild +HRL +HRM +HSMMs +HSMs +HTC +hypercubes +hyperedges +hypergraph +Hyperledger +hyperlinked +hyperplanes +hypertext +hypervisors +ICACCI +IDDFS +idf +IDPS +IDSs +igraph +IIo +ILSVRC +imbalanced +Impactof +Importancein +IMUs +incentivizes +inclusivity +Incredibles +indegree +indels +Influenceof +influenzae +Infomap +infotainment +inlining +inorder +Instagram +integratable +interconnectivity +interoperable +interoperation +intraoperative +Introsort +invariances +Investigatingthe +IPv +ISPs +itemset +IVR +Jaccard +JSSP +Kademlia +Kaggle +Kanade +Kanniainen +Karush +Kasiski +Keccak +keyframes +keypoint +keystream +KHOOR +Kindi +Kinect +KKT +Kleinberg +KMP +Kotlin +Koza +KPIs +Krizhevsky +kryptos +Kullback +LALR +Lamport +LANs +largescale +LASP +LBERT +leaderboards +learnability +Learningin +Leibler +Leiserson +lemmatization +lemmatizing +Levenberg +Lewy +lexicalization +LGP +linearizability +Litecoin +logn +LPA +LSA +LSH +LSTMs +Lua +LWE +LXMERT +Lyapunov +MADDPG +Maekawa +Maersk +Mainframesto +makespan +MAML +mammograms +manipulatives +MAPE +marginalized +markerless +matplotlib +MCL +MCMC +medoids +memetic +mergesort +mers +meshless +Mesos +metabolomic +metagenomic +metaprogramming +Methodsin +MFCCs +microarray +microbiome +microblogging +microkernel +micropayments +Mikolov +Milgram +MIMO +Minecraft +minibatch +minimalistic +Miningin +minix +misconfigurations +misconfigured +misfolding +MLE +MLFQ +MLlib +mlp +MOGAs +MOGP +Monero +Mozilla +MPTCP +MQTT +MRFs +Multibox +multigrid +multilateration +multiplayer +Munkres +Nanopore +nanotechnology +NAO +Navier +Navneet +NCF +NDCG +NDOF +Neuro +neuroevolution +neuroevolutionary +neuroimaging +neuromorphic +newsfeeds +NGS +nhage +NIDS +Nintendo +NISQ +nkdi +nlogn +NMF +nmlog +NMT +NNO +Nolfi +Novell +NPCs +NPUs +NRU +NSL +Nslation +nsqrt +NTFS +NTRU +Numenta +nyi +OFA +OLC +OLS +omic +omnichannel +onboarding +OOV +opex +outdegree +outsourcing +overprovisioning +overrelaxation +oversampling +overutilization +parallelizations +Passalis +Paxos +pbest +PBFS +PBFT +PBR +PCFGs +PCG +PCs +PDEs +petabytes +PGAs +pgm +pharmacogenomics +pharmacovigilance +Phong +photonics +photorealism +photorealistic +phylogenetics +PII +Pixar +pixelated +playtest +playthrough +PLRU +PMF +Pok +Pokemon +Potentialof +Powerof +PPLs +PQC +pragma +precomputation +preflow +Pregel +Principlesof +prioritization +Processingin +Programmingin +proteome +proteomic +pseudonymization +PSNR +PTAS +ptm +QAA +QAO +QBM +QEC +QEM +QGA +qgan +QIGA +qnn +QNX +QPCA +QPSO +QRL +QSDC +QSVMs +quadtree +qva +QVE +Rader +radiosity +RAII +Ramachandran +Ramnath +RANSAC +rasterized +rasterizer +RBAC +RBF +RBM +RBMT +RCPSP +RDDs +Realworld +remeshing +replicators +reputational +resizable +reskill +reskilling +resourced +retweet +reweighting +RFID +RFM +Ricart +Rigetti +RLWE +RMSE +RNAs +robo +roboticists +Roleof +Rossum +rostering +roundabouts +RPA +RPNs +rrt +RTOS +RTX +Rubik +RUL +Rulebased +Rumelhart +Saidane +Samsung +sandboxing +scanline +Scholes +Schunck +SDIDS +Sedol +Segmentationand +sentencepiece +SERPs +Shaoqing +Shneiderman +shockwaves +Shostak +Simonyan +SJN +Skiena +SLAs +Smalltalk +smartphone +smartwatches +SMEs +SMPC +SMs +SNE +SNPs +sortedness +soundscapes +sparsification +spellcheckers +SPF +SPH +spn +SQu +SRL +SSDs +SSIM +stablecoins +Steane +stochasticity +stockouts +stopwords +streetlights +Strogatz +Stroustrup +structs +Structuresin +stylesheets +subgradient +submodularity +subquadratic +subword +Sudoku +Superhot +SVD +Systemsand +Systemsfrom +Szegedy +Tanenbaum +Tarjan +TBB +TDA +TDOA +Technologyand +Technologyin +Tefas +telecom +telemedicine +telepresence +terabit +terabytes +Tesauro +Teslasuit +TGP +throughputs +timelines +timestamped +timetabling +Timsort +Toffoli +tokenized +tokenizing +touchpoints +touchscreens +transcriptome +transcriptomic +Treap +Treebased +treemaps +Trello +trie +Triggs +TRPO +Tsantekidis +TSPLIB +TSTs +TTPs +Tukey +Tuong +UAVs +Uber +UEBA +Ulam +underbanked +undersampling +underserved +Understandingthe +Unimate +upregulated +upscaling +upsell +upselling +upskill +upskilling +usernames +VADER +VAEs +validator +Vassilevska +Vaswani +vectorized +Velsky +Vernam +Visionin +Visualizationand +Viterbi +VLANs +VMMs +VMware +Volker +Voronoi +voxel +VPCs +VPNs +VQM +VRML +VRP +Vue +Vulkan +Walmart +waveplates +Waymo +weaponized +webmasters +webpage +weightage +WEP +whitepaper +wireframe +WLANs +WORA +workspaces +Wunsch +Xen +XLM +XRec +Yefim +YOLOv +Yukihiro +Zab +Zcash +ZFS +zier +Zisserman +ZKPs +ZTA bzip CCDs CDs +Timsort chatbots Christofides CIFAR diff --git a/.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt b/.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt index 23d6620c..52bcafe2 100644 --- a/.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt +++ b/.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # See https://github.com/check-spelling/check-spelling/wiki/Configuration-Examples:-excludes +_config.yaml + (?:^|/)(?i)COPYRIGHT (?:^|/)(?i)LICEN[CS]E (?:^|/)package(?:-lock|)\.json$ diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index eb36aaef..e317e4e6 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -42,3 +42,9 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. - fix ci - fix dependabot + +## v1.2.0 + +### Changed + +- update theme diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile index 73a020c0..f51aa9c3 100644 --- a/Gemfile +++ b/Gemfile @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ source "https://rubygems.org" gem "jekyll", "~> 4.3.2" -gem "lbenicio-minimal-v1", "1.1.9" +gem "lbenicio-minimal-v1", "1.2.1" gem "rouge" gem "rake"