Thanks for considering contributing to this project! My name is Francois-Xavier Cat (@lazywinadmin), and I'm excited you're interested in improving something I've written.
I'm happy to consider any contributions, especially ones that add functionality or fix bugs.
I really only have one rule for contributions:
This project is licensed under The MIT License, so your contribution will need to use the same license in order to be accepted.
If I accept your contribution, I'll add you to the Authors/Contributors section in the README.
If you would like to make a simple contribution (a few lines or less), please put it in an Issue with the "contribution" label.
For larger contributions, please fork this project, make the changes/additions, and then issue a Pull Request. Never done a pull request before? There's an easy tutorial here.
If you find a security vulnerability, please do NOT open an Issue. Instead, email
For non-security bugs, please open a GitHub issue with the "bug" label containing the following information:
- What OS and PowerShell version are you using?
- What did you do?
- What did you expect to see?
- What did you see instead?
If you wish to suggest a feature or enhancement, please enter a GitHub issue with the "enhancement" label detailing the suggestion.
As I'm just one person, and my scripting is a side-project to my normal sysadmin/syseng work, it may take me a while to review.
If you have additional questions about contributing, please open a GitHub issue with the "question" tag.
I write all my PowerShell code according to the PowerShell Best Practices and Style Guide, so any contributions will be altered to match this style if they do not already follow it.
This page was created based mostly on Nate Contributing page. Thank you !