If you notice any result or the public code that has not been included in this page, please connect Zhedong Zheng without hesitation to add the method. You are welcomed! or create pull request.
Priorities are given to papers whose codes are published.
🏎️. The 1st Place Submission to AICity Challenge 2021 nlp re-id track (CVPR 2021 workshop) [code][paper]
🚙: The 2nd Place Submission to AICity Challenge 2021 re-id track (CVPR 2021 workshop) [code]
🚗 The 1st Place Submission to AICity Challenge 2020 re-id track (CVPR 2020 workshop) [code] [paper]
🚁 Drone-based building re-id (ACM Multimedia 2020) [code] [paper]
GPU-based Fast Re-Ranking [code] [paper]
49,357 images of 776 vehicles from 20 cameras. Like Market-1501 protocol.
The VeRi dataset is divided into a training subset containing 37,781 images of 576 subjects and a testing subset with 13,257 images of 200 subjects.then a query set containing 1,678 images of 200 subjects and a gallery including 11,579 image of 200 subjects are finally obtained.
221,763 images of 2,627 vehicles. Only two camera views??
with attribute.
47,123 images from two cameras & lablled on pair.
no ID lablled.
136,726 + 27,618 images of 1,716 cars with attributes. After crop, 136,713.
16,185 images of 196 classes.
- VRIC with various motion blur and resolution
60,430 images of 5,622 vehicle identities captured by 60 different cameras
- Coarse-to-Fine Cross-modality Generation for Enhancing Vehicle Re-Identification with High-Fidelity Synthetic Data (ICRA) paper
TransReID: Transformer-based Object Re-Identification (ICCV) paper code
Viewpoint and Scale Consistency Reinforcement for UAV Vehicle Re-Identification (IJCV) pdf
Exploring Spatial Significance via Hybrid Pyramidal Graph Network for Vehicle Re-Identification (TITS) paper
PhD Learning: Learning With Pompeiu-Hausdorff Distances for Video-Based Vehicle Re-Identification (CVPR) paper code
Heterogeneous Relational Complement for Vehicle Re-identification (ICCV) paper code
Model Latent Views With Multi-Center Metric Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification (TITS) paper
Inter-Domain Adaptation Label for Data Augmentation in Vehicle Re-identification (TMM) paper
Learning Multiple Semantic Knowledge For Cross-Domain Unsupervised Vehicle Re-Identification (ICME) paper
Multi-level Deep Learning Vehicle Re-identification using Ranked-based Loss Functions (ICPR) paper
Keypoint-Aligned Embeddings for Image Retrieval and Re-Identification (WACV) pdf
Pseudo Graph Convolutional Network for Vehicle ReID (ACMMM) paper
Vehicle Re-identification for Lane-level Travel Time Estimations on Congested Urban Road Networks Using Video Images (TITS) paper
OERFF: A Vehicle Re-Identification Method Based on Orientation Estimation and Regional Feature Fusion (IEEE Access) paper
Counterfactual Attention Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization and Re-identification (ICCV) arXiv code
Self-Supervised Geometric Features Discovery via Interpretable Attention for Vehicle Re-Identification and Beyond (ICCV) pdf
VehicleNet: Learning Robust Visual Representation for Vehicle Re-identification (TMM) arXiv [中文介绍]
Beyond the Parts: Learning Multi-view Cross-part Correlation for Vehicle Re-identification (ACM MM) paper code
The Devil is in the Details: Self-Supervised Attention for Vehicle Re-Identification (ECCV) arXiv [中文介绍]
Structural Analysis of Attributes for Vehicle Re-Identification and Retrieval (TITS) paper
Group-Group Loss-Based Global-Regional Feature Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification (TIP) paper code
Simulating Content Consistent Vehicle Datasets with Attribute Descent (ECCV) pdf code [中文介绍]
Parsing-based View-aware Embedding Network for Vehicle Re-Identification (CVPR) paper code [中文介绍]
Robust Re-Identification by Multiple Views Knowledge Distillation (ECCV) paper code
Orientation-aware Vehicle Re-identification with Semantics-guided Part Attention Network (ECCV) pdf code
Vehicle Re-Identification Using Quadruple Directional Deep Learning Features (TITS) paper
Multi-Spectral Vehicle Re-Identification: A Challenge (AAAI) paper
Unsupervised Vehicle Re-identification with Progressive Adaptation (IJCAI) paper
Disentangled Feature Learning Network for Vehicle Re-Identification (IJCAI) paper
CFVMNet: A Multi-branch Network for Vehicle Re-identification Based on Common Field of View (ACMMM) paper
A Structured Graph Attention Network for Vehicle Re-Identification (ACMMM) paper
Fine-grained Feature Alignment with Part Perspective Transformation for Vehicle ReID (ACMMM) paper
Background Segmentation for Vehicle Re-identification (MMM) paper
Dual Domain Multi-Task Model for Vehicle Re-Identification (TITS) paper
Multi-View Spatial Attention Embedding for Vehicle Re-Identification (TCSVT) paper
Unsupervised domain adaptive re-identification: Theory and practice (PR) paper
VARID: Viewpoint-Aware Re-IDentification of Vehicle Based on Triplet Loss (TITS) paper
Uncertainty-Aware Multi-Shot Knowledge Distillation for Image-Based Object Re-Identification (AAAI) paper
Tell The Truth From The Front: Anti-Disguise Vehicle Re-Identification (ICME) paper
Vehicle Re-Identification Using Distance-Based Global and Partial Multi-Regional Feature Learning (TITS) paper
VR-PROUD: Vehicle Re-identification using PROgressive Unsupervised Deep architecture (PR) paper
Embedding Adversarial Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification (TIP) paper
Vehicle Re-Identification Using Quadruple Directional Deep Learning Features (TITS) pdf
VehicleNet: Learning Robust Feature Representation for Vehicle Re-identification (CVPR workshop) paper
Part-regularized Near-duplicate Vehicle Re-identification (CVPR) pdf
Viewpoint-aware Attentive Multi-view Inference for Vehicle Re-identification (CVPR) pdf
Unsupervised Vehicle Re-Identification using Triplet Networks (CVPR workshop) pdf
Vehicle Re-Identification with the Space-Time Prior (CVPR workshop) pdf
Fast vehicle identification via ranked semantic sampling based embedding (IJCAI) pdf
Vehicle re-identification by deep hidden multi-view inference (TIP) paper
Ram: a region-aware deep model for vehicle re-identification (ICME) pdf
Learning Coarse-to-Fine Structured Feature Embedding for Vehicle Re-Identification (AAAI) pdf
PROVID- Progressive and Multimodal Vehicle Reidentification for Large-Scale Urban Surveillance (TMM) paper
Group Sensitive Triplet Embedding for Vehicle Re-identification (TMM) paper
VP-ReID: vehicle and person re-identification system (ACMMM) paper
Vehicle Re-Identification by Adversarial Bi-Directional LSTM Network (WACV) paper
Joint Semi-supervised Learning and Re-ranking for Vehicle Re-identification (ICPR) paper
Multi-Attribute Driven Vehicle Re-Identification with Spatial-Temporal Re-Ranking (ICIP) paper
Joint feature and similarity deep learning for vehicle re-identification (IEEE Access) paper
Orientation Invariant Feature Embedding and Spatial Temporal Regularization for Vehicle Re-Identification (ICCV) pdf
Learning Deep Neural Networks for Vehicle Re-ID With Visual-Spatio-Temporal Path Proposals (ICCV) pdf
Exploiting Multi-Grain Ranking Constraints for Precisely Searching Visually-similar Vehicles (ICCV) pdf
Improving triplet-wise training of convolutional neural network for vehicle re-identification (ICME) paper
Deep hashing with multi-task learning for large-scale instance-level vehicle search (ICME workshop) paper
Multi-modal metric learning for vehicle re-identification in traffic surveillance environment (ICIP) paper
Vehicle re-identification by fusing multiple deep neural networks (IPTA) paper
Beyond human-level license plate super-resolution with progressive vehicle search and domain priori GAN (ACMMM) paper
Vehicle Re-Identification for Automatic Video Traffic Surveillance (CVPR workshop) pdf
Deep Relative Distance Learning- Tell the Difference Between Similar Vehicles (CVPR) pdf
A Deep Learning-Based Approach to Progressive Vehicle Re-identification for Urban Surveillance (ECCV) paper
Large-Scale Vehicle Re-Identification in Urban Surveillance Videos (ICME) pdf