This repository contains the work and other tools for working through Cousera's Tensorflow in Practice Specialization.
There is multiple ways to work with this repo:
Using Google Colabs tool, an awesome free tool provided by Google to do Research & Development with notebooks.
Docker containers :) as I love using docker containers for almost everything I work with. I've created a set of tools you could use for your own projects apart from this one.
If you have:
- Ubuntu / Debian Linux Distribution
You should see an output like this if everything went well :) A table
TODO: Add picture of output here
Install docker container
docker build -f scripts/Dockerfile -t tf_practice_gpu .
If you have:
- Ubuntu / Debian Linux Distribution
docker build -f scripts/Dockerfile-cpu -t tf_practice_cpu .
-f path_to_dockerfile
, pass the path to your dockerfile-t tag
, will set a tag to your image, in our case, tf_practice_gpu to be able to run the container that is only for gpu.
When I started building docker containers for everything, the idea was to spin it up those with the data I wanted :)
In this case, you will be able to run your container mounting any folder in the volume named as: /data
For example, Imagine you are going through lesson 1 of the specialization and you have a folder named: l1_prog_paradigm, running your container should be as easy as executing the following steps:
# enter the folder
cd l1_prog_paradigm
# Docker container run enabling GPUs :)
docker run --gpus all -it -p 8888:8888 -v $PWD:/data tf_practice_gpu
--gpus all
, enable all the gpus available-it
, run the container as interactive mode-p 8888:8888
, expose the ports to run jupyter from the browser-v $PWD:/data
, mount your current directory ($PWD), into /data volume
Boom 💥 , now you can start running jupyter locally.
Go to http://localhost:8888