What's Changed
- fix(deps): update module gotest.tools/v3 to v3.5.2 by @theriver-bot in #375
- chore(deps): update dependency go to v1.24.0 by @theriver-bot in #377
- chore(deps): update golang docker tag to v1.24.0 by @theriver-bot in #379
- chore(deps): update docker/setup-buildx-action digest to f7ce87c by @theriver-bot in #372
- chore(deps): update docker/setup-qemu-action digest to 4574d27 by @theriver-bot in #373
- chore(deps): update github/codeql-action digest to 9e8d078 by @theriver-bot in #374
- chore(deps): update renovatebot/github-action action to v41.0.13 by @theriver-bot in #376
- chore(config): migrate renovate config by @theriver-bot in #378
Full Changelog: v1.0.5...v1.0.6