Vim 8.2 required. Execute action based upon the content under cursor.
# lines starting with ': ' are treated as vim expressions
: echo 'hello'
# lines starting with '$ ' are treated as terminal expressions
$ echo hello
# you can execute muliline expressions
$ echo \
# you can execute heredocs
$ cat <<EOF
hey there
Install using Vundle or Pathogen
Note that vim8 is required for the terminal actions.
set mouse=a
call plum#SetMouseBindings()
nnoremap , :call plum#Plum()<cr>
let g:plum_actions = [
\ plum#term#Terminal(),
\ plum#vim#Execute(),
\ plum#tree#OpenFso(),
\ plum#fso#OpenFso(),
\ ]
nnoremap , :call plum#Plum()<cr>
let g:plum_actions = [
\ plum#term#Terminal(),
\ plum#vim#Execute(),
\ plum#tree#OpenFso(),
\ plum#fso#OpenFso(),
\ ]