- Introduction
- Core Development Discussion
- New Features
- Bugs
- Creating Liferaft Applications
- Grabbing Liferaft Applications
- Which Branch?
- Security Vulnerabilities
- Coding Style
Laravel is an open-source project and anyone may contribute to Laravel for its improvement. We welcome contributors, regardless of skill level, gender, race, religion, or nationality. Having a diverse, vibrant community is one of the core values of the framework!
To encourage active collaboration, Laravel currently only accepts pull requests, not bug reports. "Bug reports" may be sent in the form of a pull request containing a failing unit test. Alternatively, a demonstration of the bug within a sandbox Laravel application may be sent as a pull request to the main Laravel repository. A failing unit test or sandbox application provides the development team "proof" that the bug exists, and, after the development team addresses the bug, serves as a reliable indicator that the bug remains fixed.
The Laravel source code is managed on Github, and there are repositories for each of the Laravel projects:
- Laravel Framework
- Laravel Application
- Laravel Documentation
- Laravel Cashier
- Laravel Envoy
- Laravel Homestead
- Laravel Homestead Build Scripts
- Laravel Website
- Laravel Art
Discussion regarding bugs, new features, and implementation of existing features takes place in the #laravel-dev
IRC channel (Freenode). Taylor Otwell, the maintainer of Laravel, is typically present in the channel on weekdays from 8am-5pm (UTC-06:00 or America/Chicago), and sporadically present in the channel at other times.
The #laravel-dev
IRC channel is open to all. All are welcome to join the channel either to participate or simply observe the discussions!
Before sending pull requests for new features, please contact Taylor Otwell via the #laravel-dev
IRC channel (Freenode). If the feature is found to be a good fit for the framework, you are free to make a pull request. If the feature is rejected, don't give up! You are still free to turn your feature into a package which can be released to the world via Packagist.
When adding new features, don't forget to add unit tests! Unit tests help ensure the stability and reliability of the framework as new features are added.
Pull requests for bugs may be sent without prior discussion with the Laravel development team. When submitting a bug fix, try to include a unit test that ensures the bug never appears again!
If you believe you have found a bug in the framework, but are unsure how to fix it, please send a pull request containing a failing unit test. A failing unit test provides the development team "proof" that the bug exists, and, after the development team addresses the bug, serves as a reliable indicator that the bug remains fixed.
If are unsure how to write a failing unit test for a bug, review the other unit tests included with the framework. If you're still lost, you may ask for help in the #laravel
IRC channel (Freenode).
If you aren't able to write a unit test for your issue, Laravel Liferaft allows you to create a demo application that recreates the issue. Liferaft can even automate the forking and sending of pull requests to the Laravel repository. Once your Liferaft application is submitted, a Laravel maintainer can run your application on Homestead and review your issue.
Laravel Liferaft provides a fresh, innovative way to contribute to Laravel. First, you will need to install the Liferaft CLI tool via Composer:
composer global require "laravel/liferaft=~1.0"
Make sure to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin
directory in your PATH so the liferaft
executable is found when you run the liferaft
command in your terminal.
Before getting started with Liferaft, you need to register a GitHub personal access token. You can generate a personal access token from your GitHub settings panel. The default scopes selected by GitHub will be sufficient; however, if you wish, you may grant the delete_repo
scope so Liferaft can delete your old sandbox applications.
liferaft auth my-github-token
To create a new Liferaft application, just use the new
liferaft new my-bug-fix
This command will do several things. First, it will fork the Laravel GitHub repository to your GitHub account. Next, it will clone the forked repository to your machine and install the Composer dependencies. Once the repository has been installed, you can begin recreating your issue within the Liferaft application!
After creating a Liferaft application, simply recreate your issue. You are free to define routes, create Eloquent models, and even create database migrations! The only requirement is that your application is able to run on a fresh Laravel Homestead virtual machine. This allows Laravel maintainers to easily run your application on their own machines.
Once you have recreated your issue within the Liferaft application, you're ready to send it back to the Laravel repository for review!
Once you have recreated your issue, it's almost time to send it for review! However, you should first complete the liferaft.md
file that was generated in your Liferaft application. The first line of this file will be the title of your pull request. The remaining content will be included in the pull request body. Of course, GitHub Flavored Markdown is supported.
After completing the liferaft.md
file, push all of your changes to your GitHub repository. Next, just run the Liferaft throw
command from your application's directory:
liferaft throw
This command will create a pull request against the Laravel GitHub repository. A Laravel maintainer can easily grab your application and run it in their own Homestead environment!
Intrested in contributing to Laravel? Liferaft makes it painless to install Liferaft applications and view them on your own Homestead environment.
First, for convenience, clone the laravel/laravel into a liferaft
directory on your machine:
git clone https://github.com/laravel/laravel.git liferaft
Next, check out the develop
branch so you will be able to install Liferaft applications that target both stable and upcoming Laravel releases:
git checkout -b develop origin/develop
Next, you can run the Liferaft grab
command from your repository directory. For example, if you want to install the Liferaft application associated with pull request #3000, you should run the following command:
liferaft grab 3000
The grab
command will create a new branch on your Liferaft directory, and pull in the changes for the specified pull request. Once the Liferaft application is installed, simply serve the directory through your Homestead virtual machine! Once you debug the issue, don't forget to send a pull request to the laravel/framework repository with the proper fix!
Have an extra hour and want to solve a random issue? Just run grab
without a pull request ID:
liferaft grab
Note: This section primarly applies to those sending pull requests to the laravel/framework repository, not Liferaft applications.
All bug fixes should be sent to the latest stable branch. Bug fixes should never be sent to the master
branch unless they fix features that exist only in the upcoming release.
Minor features that are fully backwards compatible with the current Laravel release may be sent to the latest stable branch.
Major new features should always be sent to the master
branch, which contains the upcoming Laravel release.
If you are unsure if your feature qualifies as a major or minor, please ask Taylor Otwell in the #laravel-dev
IRC channel (Freenode).
If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel, please send an e-mail to Taylor Otwell at taylorotwell@gmail.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
Laravel follows the PSR-0 and PSR-1 coding standards. In addition to these standards, the following coding standards should be followed:
- The class namespace declaration must be on the same line as
. - A class' opening
must be on the same line as the class name. - Functions and control structures must use Allman style braces.
- Indent with tabs, align with spaces.