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An Laravel tool to code very quickly an API.



Install packages with Composer. Just run the following:

composer install

Database configuration

Edit database environment variables in .env file and run the following command:

php artisan migrate

Use migrations to define database schema.

API authentication

Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use. Run the following commands to install and configure the package:

php artisan passport:install
php artisan passport:client --personal

In prompt cmd type bob for name.

Then add following lines to .env file.


php artisan db:seed

This command will add a sample user with the following information to your database:

Quick Start and examples

Use Eloquent to create models corresponding to each database table.

Then, content of added controllers must be as follows:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\MyModel;

class ExampleController extends Controller
    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct(new MyModel());

Finally, open file /routes/api.php and use createRoute() function to register API routes.


Optionally, override following methods in your controllers if you want to code your own logic to process your requests.

     * List resource
     * @param Request $request
    public function index(Request $request, $id = null) {}

     * List single resource
     * @param Request $request
     * @param int $id
    public function show(Request $request, $id) {}

     * Store resource
     * @param Request $request
    public function store(Request $request) {}

     * Update resource
     * @param Request $request
     * @param int $id
    public function update(Request $request, $id) {}

     * Delete resource
     * @param int $id
    public function delete($id) {}

How to use

Run /api/login with POST method to get token and set it to each request header. Your request body:

    username: "bob",
    password: "your_password"

POST, GET, PUT, DELETE methods are available for registered API routes. Once relationships are defined on your Eloquent model classes, make requests to your API in several ways. For example:

Method URI Description
POST /api/example_route_prefix_name Insert new record
GET /api/example_route_prefix_name Retreive all records
GET /api/example_route_prefix_name/{id} Retreive a record
PUT /api/example_route_prefix_name/{id} Update a record
DELETE /api/example_route_prefix_name/{id} Delete a record

To insert/update a new record into a table at the same time as related table(s) into database, specify relationship(s) in request body.

    attribute1: value1,
    attribute2: value2
    my_one_to_one_relationship: {
    my_one_to_many_relationship: [

Add these query parameters when making request to your API route with GET method.

Query parameter Description Value
order ascending or descending order in which to sort the result set asc, desc
by the column to sort the result set by column name
where_column, whereLike_column, whereLike_relation__column extract only those records that fulfill a specified condition eg: where_lastname=bob, whereLike_adress=anov, whereLike_city__name=exico
orWhere_column, orWhereLike_column combine with above query parameters to filter the result set eg: orWhere_lastname=bob, orWhereLike_adress=anov
with_relation, with_relation1__relation2 retrieve the result set with the relationships and those that are nested eg: with_customer, with_employees__department
withSum_column, withSum_relation_column retrieve the result set with total sum of a column eg: withSum_salary, withSum_transfers_amount
withCount_column retrieve the result set with number of records eg: withCount_id

API response

API response is in json format with some useful informations for each request.

    success: true,
    code: 200,
    body: [
        error_message: null,
        errors: null,
        response_data: data
Key Description Type
success success of API processing Boolean
code HTTP status codes Integer
error_message message of occurred error String
errors list of occurred errors Array
response_data resources or model requested Array, Object