Operations tool set for Terracotta via ehcache.
This package contains handy tools to help operate teams to answer typical queries like
- How many objects are in my cache?
- Print all keys(strings) and possible values (strings)
- Can you check if this business key exists.
Build The project is maven based and have few profiles for various versions of ehcache / terracotta. Review the pom.xml for the profiles and build.
To create a tar package mvn clean install
this will create a ehcache-tools-bin.tar.gz which can be deployed on any host.
- Unzip ehcache-tools-bin.tar.gz to any directory. (TOOLS_HOME).
- Copy terracotta license file into TOOLS_HOME/config
- Edit/Copy the ehcache.xml file into TOOLS_HOME/config.
Tools Provided
ehcacheping : Ping utility to check health of terracotta cluster. This is a 2 step process. Loads abut 10K entries to a cache , disconnect and then read 10K entires back and verifies.
Usage tcPing [1/2] [unique id] [number of elements] tcPing needs to be executed in a 2 step process. The first argument 1 is to load and 2 is retrieve and avalidate
ehcachecli is a command line cli with following utilities
./ehcachecli.sh -h Syntax: ./ehcachecli.sh [cacheKeyValuePrint|cacheKeysPrint|cacheSize] [arguments.....] cacheKeyValuePrint - Prints the Keys and values (only string or list/string) for a given cache. cacheKeysPrint - Prints the Keys in a cache or all caches. cacheSize - Prints the total number of cache entries in each cache in a continous loop. tcPing - Health Check of the cluster