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grunticon is a stand-alone library that powers the one and only Grunticon!
Install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunticon-lib --save
var Grunticon = require( 'grunticon-lib' );
var grunticon = new Grunticon( listOfFiles, destination, options );
If you're a Gulp user check out gulpicon or simply create your own task.
Type: Array
Grunticon's constructor will either take an array of files you'd like read for its first argument. These will be the files processed.
Type: String
Grunticon's constructor will take a string that is the directory you'd like to output the CSS files, the PNG folder, and the preview HTML for its second argument.
Type: String
Default value: "icons.data.svg.css"
The name of the generated CSS file containing SVG data uris.
Type: String
Default value: "icons.data.png.css"
The name of the generated CSS file containing PNG data uris
Type: String
Default value: "icons.fallback.css"
The name of the generated CSS file containing external png url references.
Type: String
Default value: "preview.html"
The name of the generated HTML file containing PNG data uris.
Type: String
Default value: "grunticon.loader.js"
The name of the generated text file containing the grunticon loading snippet.
Type: Boolean
Default value: False
Include additional methods in the loader script to offer SVG embedding
Type: Boolean
Default value: False
Include additional methods in the loader script to offer cross-domain SVG embedding. options.enhanceSVG
must be true
for this option to be respected.
Type: String
Default value: "png/"
The name of the generated folder containing the generated PNG images.
Type: String
Default value: value of options.pngfolder
Allows you to specify a custom URL to serve fallback PNGs at.
pngpath: "/assets/icons/png"
Will generate PNG fallbacks like:
.icon-bar {
background-image: url('/assets/icons/png/bar.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
Type: String
Default value: ".icon-"
a string to prefix all icon selectors with (currently only classes or ids are guaranteed to work with the preview)
Type: Object
Allows you to specify custom selectors (in addition to the generated cssprefix + filename - extension
class) for individual files.
"foo": [".icon-bar", ".baz"]
will produce:
.icon-foo {
You can also use an asterisk in your custom selector!
customselectors: {
"*": [".icon-$1:before", ".icon-$1-what", ".hey-$1"]
cssprefix: ".icon-"
Should give the file bear.svg the css
.icon-bear {
And if there are files bear.svg and cat.svg, the css should be like:
.icon-bear {
.icon-cat {
This should give you more flexibility with your selectors.
Type: String
Default value: "400px"
a string that MUST be defined in px that will be the size of the PNG if there is no width given in the SVG element.
Type: String
Default value: "300px"
similar to defaultWidth, but for height
Type: String
Default value: Goes to the example/preview.hbs file
Takes a path to the template that will be used for the preview.html. Example of .hbs file contents:
<!doctype HTML>
<title>Icons Preview!</title>
body {
background-image: linear-gradient(#eee 25%, transparent 25%, transparent), linear-gradient(#eee 25%, transparent 25%, transparent), linear-gradient(transparent 75%, #eee 75%), linear-gradient(transparent 75%, #eee 75%);
width: 100%;
background-size: 10px 10px;
grunticon(["icons.data.svg.css", "icons.data.png.css", "icons.fallback.css"]);
<noscript><link href="icons.fallback.css" rel="stylesheet"></noscript>
{{#each icons}}
{{#with this}}
<pre><code>{{prefix}}{{name}}:</code></pre><div class="{{prefixClass}}{{name}}" style="width: {{width}}px; height: {{height}}px;" ></div><hr/>
Type: String
Default value: os.tmpDir()
Let's you specify an absolute tmp-path (options.tmpDir
will still be appended).
Type: String
Default value: "grunticon-tmp"
Let's you specify a tmp-folder. Useful when having multiple grunticon tasks and using grunt-concurrent.
Type: String
Default value: ""
Location of a handlebars template that will allow you to structure your CSS file the way that you choose. As more data becomes available via directory-encoder, more options will be available for you to tap into during templating.
Example of .hbs file contents:
{{#each customselectors}}{{this}},{{/each}}
{{prefix}}{{name}} {
background-image: url('{{datauri}}');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Will compress the converted png files using optipng
Type: Integer
Default value: 3
If compress is set to true
, this will set the optimationLevel for optipng
Allows you to predefine colors as variables that can be used in filename color configuration.
options: {
colors: {
myAwesomeRed: "#fc3d39",
coolBlue: "#6950ff"
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Allows you to tell directory-colorfy to ignore the original file when using colors.
For example, if given a file named like so:
And dynamicColorOnly
is set to true
dynamicColorOnly: true
Only a single file will be generated:
With enhanceSVG
turned on, the Grunticon loader has a few exposed methods and attributes on the grunticon
object that you can use:
Type: String
The url that is being loaded by Grunticon.
Type: String
Is "svg"
if the page loaded the SVG-based css.
Is "datapng"
if the page loaded the png with datauri-based css.
Is "png"
if the page loaded the plain link to png-based css.
See: https://github.com/filamentgroup/loadcss
Arguments: String
Returns: Object
Fetch a stylesheet link
by its href
Arguments: String
Returns: Object
Takes a stylesheet node (link
or style
) and returns all of the icon selectors and the svgs contained within it in an object formatted
in this way:
grunticon:selector: "SVG Content in String"
Arguments: Object
Returns: NodeList
Takes icons in the object format outputted by getIcons
and then queries the page for all icons with the
attribute. For each of these that it finds, it places the SVG contents associated with
the relevant selector in the icons. It then returns the NodeList of all of the elements that had SVGs embedded
in them.
Arguments: Function
Returns: None
An alternative to listening for the DOMContentLoaded
event. Takes a function as a callback and calls the function
when the DOM is ready.
Arguments: Function
Returns: None
Uses the above methods to call:
var svgLoadedCallback = function( embedComplete ){
If embedComplete
is defined, the loader will call it when SVG embedding is complete. This is true for both local and CORS embedding. So if you need to run logic after SVG markup is appended to the DOM, just pass a callback to grunticon.svgLoadedCallback
or grunticon.svgLoadedCORSCallback
With enhanceSVG
and corsEmbed
turned on, the Grunticon loader has a few exposed 2 more methods and attributes on the grunticon
object that you can use:
Arguments: String
, Function
Returns: Object
First argument is a string reference to a url to request via cross-domain Ajax. Second argument is an optional callback when the request finishes loading. (In the callback, this
refers to the XHR object).
Arguments: Function
Returns: None
Uses the above methods to make SVG embedding work when CSS is hosted on another domain. (CORS must be allowed on the external domain.)
- If your files have
, or any other css selecting character in their names, they will likely be improperly processed.
- Version 1.0.0: First release. Breaking out Grunticon from its previous Grunt.js dependency.