Manage all your Emacs distributions with ease.
Ebox is emacs-distribution on steroids. It is a single binary, independent of operating system and shell, and offers a complete Emacs sandbox.
All your Emacs distributions live in ~/emacs
and can be executed independently from one another. So you can e. g. use spacemacs alongside prelude, or Emacs live alongside a custom configuration, without them interfering with each other.
Run make
. Ebox is installed as $GOPATH/bin/ebox
To run the tests, run make test
. This installs Ebox and then runs the tests.
Running just ebox
lists all distributions in ~/emacs
$ ebox
Running Ebox with the name of an existing distribution spawns an instance of that distribution.
$ ebox spacemacs
In this example the environment variable HOME
is set to ~/emacs/spacemacs
inside that Emacs instance.
Here, ~/emacs/spacemacs
can either be a directory or a symlink to a directory elsewhere in the filesystem (or to a symlink again, and so on).
Ebox can also download distributions. For some well-known distributions you don't even have to specify a URL:
$ #This example clones
$ ebox prelude
Cloning into '/home/laerling/emacs/prelude/.emacs.d'...
remote: Counting objects: 5783, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Total 5783 (delta 5), reused 7 (delta 3), pack-reused 5770
Receiving objects: 100% (5783/5783), 4.54 MiB | 874.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3435/3435), done.
If the distribution is hosted on github, you don't have to write the complete URL either:
$ #This example clones
$ ebox githubusername/distroname
For all other distributions, simply specify the URL:
$ #This example clones https://domain.tld/gitlabusername/distroname.git
$ ebox domain.tld/gitlabusername/distroname.git