ROS package originally based on Jonny Dark's work.
It reads rotary encoders and converting to wheel speeds for a Raspberry Pi based differential drive robot.
Depends on wiringPi to build
Publishes a message containing individual wheel speeds as well as Unicycle Model linear and angular velocities
Tested with ROS Indigo and Kinetic.
<node pkg="robot_wheel_speeds" type="robot_wheel_speeds" name="wheel_speeds" respawn="true" output="screen">
<param name="test_mode" value="$(arg test_mode)" />
<rosparam file="$(find robot_wheel_speeds)/param/wheel_params.yaml" command="load" />
Check the wheel_params.yaml
file to tune your robot.
When building, an error detailing that the WheelVelocities.h
is missing may appear.
Compile first this package and then the whole workspace.
catkin_make --pkg robot_wheel_speeds