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180 lines (136 loc) · 6.38 KB

File metadata and controls

180 lines (136 loc) · 6.38 KB


All plugins are inside <app_path>/plugins/<type_of_plugin>/ (i will say ./ is <app_path> for now on) for now there are 6 types of plugins:

  • Downloader
  • Notifier
  • Indexer
  • Provider
  • PostProcessor
  • System (all in ./plugins/

General Structure

All types (of plugins) are subclasses of Plugin (./plugins/ and all plugins are a subclass of the given type.

All plugins should be in the respected folder in ./plugins/ e.g. ./plugins/downloaders. Simply by extending one of the types in you plugin class and putting the .py file in a folder under ./plugins/ will load your plugin.

Hint: all loaded / found plugins are listed uring start, check the log

a new plugin shoudl be a new .py file in the type folder e.g. (as a Notifier) in ./plugins/notifier/ At time of writing (5/3/13) i did not test sub folders or something ... you can look in ./gamez/ at find_subclasses() to figure out what is indexed/searched for subclasses

To be a plugin all it needs is a class that extends any type.

class MyPlugin(Downloader):

This should allready list and create a plugin on start. BUT as a Downloader it will be used when we want to download a NZB/TORRENT file.

Config for your plugin

the _config attribute of a plugin is used to create configurable items for your plugin. It also creates the gui in the settings section on the page (<app_url>/settings/)... oh yeah its a simple dict

To acces the config values use:


Yes the "c" is importend! it refers to the "c"onfig

One importend note: Each plugin can have many config instances. This allowes many instances of a e.g. indexer or notifier. If you dont want that function for your plugin set the single attribute to True

class Notifo(Notifier):
    _config = {'user': '',
               'password': ''
    single = True

A notifier named Notifo with two config items and you can only have one of it... for whatever reason

Now this would ceate not two but three (3) configurable fields: user, password AND enabled The enabled field is given to everyone without asking... deal with it

Technicaly a config item has no type, it is determend when it is set, they are: integer, string, bool Because it is determent what type to use during setting and the gui changes accordingly to the type retrieved it is addvised to use a value as defauld that is the type you want... and yes the values in the _config dict are the default init values

Hint: if the word 'password' is in the config name it will be a password text field in the gui Hint2: the config items are ordered by name. might want to "group" them by prefixes.

Note: oh dont use "-" in the config name or you can not save settings and it will crash or something

Advanced Config

If you are not happy with default removal of "_" and capitalization of the name you can define a human nice name for it. the config_meta attribute (also a dict) is used for this.

class Notifo(Notifier):
    _config = {'user': '',
               'password': ''
    single = True
    config_meta = {'user': {'human': 'Your Notifo UserName'}}

something along these lines There are also:

  • placeholder <- sets these fancy grey placeholder texts in the input field

  • on_change_actions <- call functions if the config item is changed during save settings its a list: ['reboot']

  • reboot <- reboot gamez. This is the only one so far that is system wide BUT any function reference to a function in your plugin class ... the function will be called in the instance it was triggered by

class Notifo(Notifier):
    _config = {'user': '',
               'password': ''
    single = True

    def testMySettings(self):
        print "Testing"

    config_meta = {'user': {'human': 'Your Notifo UserName'},
                   'password': {'on_change': testMySettings}

Note: since testMySettings is a real function reference we need to define config_meta after we defined the function

Plugin Function

Each type of plugin requests a set of functions to be usefull and some have preset setting options. Note: all have the config enabled and it is set to False if not overwritten in _config


something that handles the download of a Download Object


  • addDownload(self, download): where download is a Download Class Object, see ./gamez/ it should return True or False
  • getGameStaus(self, game): where game is a Game Class Object, see ./gamez/ it should return a tuple of a Object of the Class Status(see ./gamez/ and Download dand a absolute path to the downloaded game. e.g.
return (common.DOWNLOADED, download, '/mnt/stuff/imba_game')

Predefined Settings: None

Predefined Attributes:

  • types: a list of download types that the downloader supports. choose any or all from
types = [common.TYPE_NZB, common.TYPE_TORRENT]


something that sends out messages on snatch and/or complete


  • sendMessage(self, msg, game=None): where msg is a message string and game a Game Object. game is optional so you can call your snd message function without a game. Should return True or False

Predefined Settings:

  • on_snatch: False
  • on_complete: True (more info later)


a usenet or torrent indexer / search site

  • getLatestRss(self): underspecified ... not done yet
  • searchForGame(self, game): where game is a Game Class Object. It should return a list of Download()

Predefined Settings: None


a game information provider

  • searchForGame(self, term, platform, gid=0): term is the search term; platform is a Platform Object from common e.g. common.Wii; gid is the game id from that provider (hopefully). this should always return a list Game Objects
  • getGame(self, platform, gid): platform is a Platform from common; gid is the provider game id. should return Game Object or False


something that does something to a game after it is marked with common.DOWNLOADED

  • ppPath(self, game, path): game is the Game that has been downloaded; path the absolute path we got from the downloader. should return True or False

Confused ?

just have a look at the plugins allready in the plugin folder. Note: all functions calls of a plugin are wrapped in a try block ... so watch the log !!