Once the Item API and Item API is defined, we need to define the API to send user interactions.
The Uptrendz platform supports:
- interactions for anonymous user sessions, registered users or both
- user-item and user-user interactions in this regard.
- implicit interactions (e.g., click) or explicit interactions (e.g., ratings)
- In case of explicit interactions, it is needed to define the value interval (e.g., [1,5])
- The number of different interaction types is not restricted (i.e., we can define as many interaction types as we want)
- if a timestamp is not provided, it is created automatically when the interaction is received
In the case of the MovieLens-100k dataset, we need to define an Interaction API for:
- User Types = Registered Users
- User-to-User interactions = No (i.e., only user-item interactions are available in the MovieLens-100k dataset)
- Time Tracking = yes (i.e., timestamps are available in the MovieLens-100k dataset)
- Interaction Type = "rating"
- With a rating scale from 1 to 5 that is available in the MovieLens-100k dataset
Once the User API is prepared, we can upload interaction data using the Data Upload notebook.