On Expanse, in home directory.
Set the environment
module load cpu/0.15.4
module load intel/
module load intel-mpi/2019.8.254
module load netcdf-c/4.7.4
module load netcdf-fortran/4.5.3
module load cmake
Get forked schism repo:
git clone https://github.com/oybcst/schism.git
Make a build directory, cmake, then make.
cd ~/schism
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -C ../cmake/SCHISM.cgem.build -C ../cmake/SCHISM.local.comet ../src/
After modifying, to recompile, set the environment, then:
cd ~/schism/build
Go to a run directory:
cd /expanse/lustre/scratch/llowe/temp_project/cgem-box
Get the executable:
cp ~/schism/build/bin/pschism_GEN_GEN_TVD-VL .
Run a job:
sbatch submit.sh
Check on it:
squeue -u llowe
For box, one node, currently node=10 (you can change it)
sbatch submit.extractone.sh #if you don't already have nco
sbatch submit.nco_extract.sh
sbatch submit.r.sh
For larger grids, create a submit script. First, modify which_nodes
and other variables in setvars.py, then
python write_submit_nco.py
This creates submit.nco.sh
. To extract all the timeseries:
sbatch submit.nco.sh
For hybrid coordinates, the NCO scripts can still be used but the R scripts will not work, because it calculates max/mins for plots and will get NA for missing values.
First, get and compile ser2par if you don't have it already. Put the executable in the CGEM/visit directory.
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/lisalenorelowe/ser2par.git
cd ser2par
module load cpu/0.15.4
module load gcc/9.2.0
module load openmpi/3.1.6
source s2p_compile.csh
cp ser2par $SCRATCH/CGEM/visit
Modify setpaths.py and cgem_vars.py. Create databases:
python databases.py
To make all the images:
cd $SCRATCH/CGEM/visit
sbatch s2p_run.csh
Create a script with ncks commands. The Python script just prints out the commands. Try it, to see what they look like:
You need cgem module for f90nml
module load cgem
Then, to extract node 10:
python shiny_extract.py 10
Check them, if it looks correct, save them in a file:
python shiny_extract.py 10 > nco_all.sh
Run in a batch script because of environment, submit.python.sh
Run the nco commands. You need to be in a different session than either compiling or running python, because the modules conflict. submit.nco_extract.sh
Load these modules:
module load cpu/0.15.4
module load gcc/10.2.0
module load openmpi/4.0.4
module load nco/4.9.3
source nco_all.sh
You should something like this in outputs
A1_10.nc DIC_10.nc O2_10.nc OM1CZ_10.nc OM1PA_10.nc OM2BC_10.nc OM2NA_10.nc OM2PZ_10.nc Qn1_10.nc Z1_10.nc
Alk_10.nc NH4_10.nc OM1BC_10.nc OM1NA_10.nc OM1PZ_10.nc OM2CA_10.nc OM2NZ_10.nc OM2R_10.nc Qp1_10.nc Z2_10.nc
CDOM_10.nc NO3_10.nc OM1CA_10.nc OM1NZ_10.nc OM1R_10.nc OM2CZ_10.nc OM2PA_10.nc PO4_10.nc Si_10.nc
Copy the outputs to your local shiny_gem directory.
Globus endpoint for pdf directory is:
To run the R scripts on Expanse, Reformat_cgem.R and plotcgem.R:
sbatch submit.r.sh
Copy the outputs/outputs_?.pdf
locally to view.