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Setting Up Local Development


  • Node.js: This project requires Node.js version 18 or 20 to run.
  • Yarn: This project uses Yarn version 4 for package management.
  • Kind: This project uses Kind to run a local Kubernetes cluster.
  • Kubectl: This project uses Kubectl to interact with the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Policy Reporter: Ensure you have a Policy Reporter instance running. The plugin is configured to query http://localhost:8080/api/policy-reporter.

Step 1: Install Dependencies

Before starting local development, install the necessary dependencies using Yarn.

yarn install

Step 2: Start Local Development

Prerequired Steps (without existing Cluster)

  1. Create a local cluster (e.g. with Kind or Minikube)
kind create cluster -n kyverno

NOTE: if you get error on too many open files you need to increase the inotify limits.

  1. Install Kyverno + Kyverno PSS Policies

Kyverno installs the required CRDS and you get some sample PolicyReports by installing the PSS policies.

Add Helm chart

helm repo add kyverno
helm repo add policy-reporter
helm repo update

install Kyverno + CRDs

helm upgrade --install kyverno kyverno/kyverno -n kyverno --create-namespace

Add Pod Security Standard Policies

helm upgrade --install kyverno-policies kyverno/kyverno-policies -n kyverno --set podSecurityStandard=restricted

Add Policy Reporter

helm install policy-reporter policy-reporter/policy-reporter --create-namespace -n policy-reporter --set ui.enabled=true --set kyverno-plugin.enabled=true --version ^2.0.0
kubectl port-forward service/policy-reporter 8080:8080 -n policy-reporter

To start local development, use the yarn dev command. This command starts the local development server using the dev folders inside the kyverno-policy-reports and kyverno-policy-reports-backend directories.

yarn dev

Optional: Setting Up Local Development Using Dev Containers

Dev Containers provide a fully configured development environment that contains everything needed to start development.

  1. Install Docker: Dev Containers require Docker.
  2. Install VSCode. JetBrains IDEs also support Dev Containers.
  3. Install the Remote - Containers extension.
  4. Open the project in VSCode and run the command Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container. This will start the Dev Container process.

Policy Reporter Configuration

Ensure that your Policy Reporter instance is running and accessible at http://localhost:8080/api/policy-reporter. You can adjust the configuration if your Policy Reporter instance is running on a different host or port.

To change the endpoint used by the plugin locally, update the endpoint annotation in the catalog/entities.yaml file to the desired endpoint.

Depending on what policies are present in your Policy Reporter instance, you might need to change the mock entity annotations used during yarn dev that define the policies to display.

To update the mock entity annotations, modify the annotations in the plugins/kyverno-policy-reports/dev/index.ts file to match the policies available in your Policy Reporter instance.

Publishing New Versions of a Package

Step 1: Update the package.json version

First, you need to update the version field in the package.json file of the package you want to update.

Step 2: Run Yarn Install

Before creating a pull request, always run yarn install to ensure all dependencies are correctly installed and up-to-date.

Step 3: Include the updated yarn.lock in the pull request

When creating a pull request, make sure to include the updated yarn.lock file. This file ensures that the exact same dependency tree is installed across all environments.

Step 4: Merge the branch with main

After updating the package.json version, merge your branch with the main branch. The GitHub Actions workflow will automatically check if there's a new version and publish it.