This is a simple web service which intended to calculate Fibonacci series.
- g++-4.9+
- GNU make 4.0+
- Boost v1.55+ (w/ threading, syntactic analysis and arg parsind features.)
- Restbed framework v4.0+ [1]
- libgmp v6.0+
For testing:
- Python 2.7+
- ab tool
./fib --help to see usage of the service.
Example: ./fib --verbose=2 --cache-size 2000 This will start the service (at localhost, port 8080) and pre-initialize internal cache with first 2000 Fibonacci numbers. This also will enable debug output to the console.
To run funtional testing: make check
To benchmark your server: time make bench See Makefile header for list of availble knobs to play with performance.