CF API Kyma Module is providing a CF API to run on top of Kyma, using the open source Korifi project Once installed, one could use the cf cli to connect and deploy workloads.
Property | Optional | Default | Description |
RootNamespace | Optional | cf | Root namespace for CF resources |
AppImagePullSecret | Optional | By default a local DockerRegistry will be deployed and used | Dockerregistry secret pointing to a docker registry for application images |
UAA | Optional | In case of a SAP managed Kyma, the UAA will be derived from the BTP service operator config | UAA URL to be used for authentication |
CFAdmins | Optional | By default Kyma cluster-admins will become CF admins | List of users, which will become CF administrators.A user is expected in format sap.ids:<sap email> example |
Istio Kyma Module
That is normally installed on a SAP managed Kyma
Docker Registry
That is an external docker registry needed for storing/loading application images. If not specified in the CFAPI CR, the CFAPI kyma module deploys a local registry (Dockerregistry CR) which is defined in the docker-registry kyma module, see The local docker registry is not suitable for large-scale productive setups.
A running UAA server is a must for CFAPI installation. In case of SAP managed Kyma, the UAA is already installed so no additional installation required.
If Istio Kyma module is not installed, you can do it with:
kubectl label namespace cfapi-system istio-injection=enabled --overwrite
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
In case you want to use an existing docker registry, you do not need to install that. In all other cases, see
kubectl apply -f
Deploy the resources from a particular release /in the example below 0.2.0/ version to kyma
kubectl create namespace cfapi-system
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
Wait for a Ready state of the CFAPI resource and read the CF URL
kubectl get -n cfapi-system cfapi
default-cf-api Ready
Set cf cli to point to CF API
cf login --sso -a
Use CF cli to deploy applications as on a normal CF. The buildpacks used are native community buildpacks.
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