This is a sample Spring Boot application that provides the following:
- User login and registration
- Database connectivity which is configurable through the application.yaml file
- JWT authentication in urls that are filtered in the web security config class
- Download/Clone the repository
- Using an IDE (preferably Intellij), change the configuration in the application.yaml file found under the resources folder
- Run the application
- Run Postman and create a POST request through the URL "/api/v1/auth/register" with the following request body format:
- Open your email and click the link provided to verify your registration.
- Once you have successfully registered, log in through the URL "/api/auth/login" with the following request body format:
- Once you have successfully logged in, use the access token to access the different functionalities of the system through the url "/api/v1/users". An example is creating a GET request in the said URL.
- Front-end design and functionality
- Automated Tests using Mockito