Pause print on GPIO filament runout sensor
The following needs to be added to the config.yaml:
pin: XX
bounce: 400
gpioOptions: 0
pauseOptions: 0
Option Descriptions:
- pin = The GPIO Pin in BCM mode, so for pin 26, you'd enter 7 (for GPIO7)
- bounce = The time to wait for the switch to settle, in ms.
- gpioOptions = Configure the default GPIO pull_up_down mode. 0 [default] is PULL_DOWN mode. 1 is for PULL_UP mode.
- pauseOptions = Configure the pause action. 0 [default] pauses immediately. 1 waits for the next ZChange event (layer change).
An API is available to check the filament sensor status via a GET method to /plugin/filament/status
which returns a JSON
{status: "-1"}
if the sensor is not setup{status: "0"}
if the sensor is OFF (filament not present){status: "1"}
if the sensor is ON (filament present)
The status 0/1 depends on the type of sensor, and it might be reversed if using a normally closed switch.
A build using an optical switch can be found at
Note: Needs RPi.GPIO version greater than 0.6.0 to allow access to GPIO for non root and chmod a+rw /dev/gpiomem
This requires a fairly up to date system.