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Title:Glams - A browser based animal management system
Author:Kyle Ellefsen
Description:Glams is a browser based animal management system, designed for managing mice colonies in a university research settings. Rather than keeping track of breeding, genotyping, planned and completed experiments in a spreadsheet, Glams enables researches to store all this information in a MySQL database and manipulate it in your browser.


Glams is organized into two 'views': Mouse view and Cage view. You can choose which categories are displayed in each view.


In Mouse view, each row represents a mouse. Double click on a column header allows you to filter that column. For example, you can filter by age to find mice in a given age range. If you are displaying categories having to do with experiments, each row represents a particular experiments. This allows you to quickly look through all the experiments you've performed.


In Cage view, each row represents a cage. You can see the residents of each cage as colored rectangles. Blue indicates male mice, red indicates females, yellow indicates unknown gender. A black box indicates an experiment has been planned or performed.


To edit information about a mouse, click on that mouse's name. A dialog will pop up with detailed editable information.


You can edit cages the same way.


When editing cage information, clicking the 'History' tab displays the automatically generated history of that cage.


Clicking on the 'Residents' tab displays the current residents of that cage. If you open multiple cages, you can transfer mice by dragging and dropping from one cage to another. This transfer is saved in the database.


Clicking on the +PL button in the 'Resident's tab adds a pup litter to that cage. Clicking on that pup litter will give you the option to separate it into any combination of males, females, or unknowns.


  1. Install MySQL (for windows.)
    • Install the Developer version.
    • Choose Sever Machine when prompted for 'server configuration type'.
    • Choose Enable TCP/IP Networking if you would like to access Glams from other computers.
    • Leave the port number as the default 3306.
    • Keep Open firewall port for network access checked.
    • Use your lab password as the MySQL Root Password.
    • Add a user.
    • Set 'host' to be <All Hosts (%)>.
    • Set 'Role' as DB Admin.
    • Leave authentication as MySQL. This user account will be in Glams to communicate with MySQL, and it will be saved as plaintext, so make sure it is a password you don't use for anything else. Remember it for a later step.
    • Run Windows Service as a Standard System Account. This automatically starts MySQL on Windows startup.
  2. Install Glams using the installer.
  3. Run Glams by clicking the new icon on your desktop.
  4. Open a browser, go to http://localhost/, enter the user and password.
  5. Restart Glams and refresh your browser.
  6. Login as admin (password is 'password') and create a user. Sign out and sign in as that user.


I have not tested installation on these systems.

  1. Install and run MySQL

  2. Install the latest version of Python 2 (2.7.6. as of 2013.12.17)

  3. Install pip (instructions at

  4. Install lxml.

  5. Install Glams. In a command line, change directory to where is installed. Then type:

    pip install glams
  6. In a command line, change directory to where Glams is installed. Launch the Glams server by running:

    in the Glams directory.

  7. Open a browser, go to http://localhost/, enter the user and password.

  8. Restart Glams and refresh your browser.

  9. Login as admin (password is 'password') and create a user. Sign out and sign in as that user.


Also included in Glams is a package called glamsinterface. This allows you to interact with the data stored on Glams outside of the web browser. For instance, if you have animals associated in Glams with experiments, you can find all of the experiments done on a particular strain or on animals of a particular age. You can set up another database with the data for those experiments and link the two databases. This could help automate data analysis, allowing researchers to spend more time designing experiments and less time rearranging spreadsheet values.


  • Add full calendar functionality
  • Save the column order when a user moves a column.
  • add 'date audited' to each cage. Create a button a user can push to confirm cage information.
  • Add column with 'Days Since Possible Mating' in cage view. If any mature male mice entered a cage with mature female mice, count down 21 days
  • Add column "Days Since Birth" in cage view.


  • If viewing on the chrome web browser which has the google docs app installed, you can't view mouse or cage information. This might be a chrome bug.
  • Sometimes creates two 'housing' entries when dragging mouse from one cage to another. Very hard to replicate bug.


A browser based animal management system







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