Online absence note system
Brought to you by:
Leon Chou
Johnny So
Roy Xu
Kevin Yan
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Run "sudo apt-get install git"
Run "npm install forever"
Clone the repo and navigate into directory
Run "npm install"
Create a file called
Copy and paste the following into the file -things omitted for obvious reasons
export env=production export PORT=3000 export OWNER="Is owner"
export SECRET=
export GMAIL_USERNAME= export GMAIL_PASSWORD= export GMAIL_SENDER="Stuy Absence Note"
nodejs ./bin/www
Replace the necessary information in the file (secret key, google client id, etc.)
Run "chmod +x"
$ sudo npm install pm2 -g
$ pm2 start --name "absence_note" ./
Run the command you get from the output of this line to start the server on startup
$ pm2 startup ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install nginx
then create a file named /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
paste the following
server {
listen 80;
server_name <>;
location / {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
then run
$ sudo service nginx restart
- May 17
- fixed models error in config & module.js
- added the accounts.js in models directory
- working homepage button
- setting the environment
- May 18
- GOOGLE AUTH working
- May 20
- Absence and Student / Teacher / Admin Schemas created
- May 21
- Frontpage completed
- Schemas created (Account, Student, Teacher)
- May 22
- Home Page changed to support google auth
- Created launch screen for students and admins
- Created absence note form
- Absences model finished (schema & add method)
- May 24
- Finished early excuse note
- Updated launch screen (rotated square)
- May 25
- Added method .approve to the AbsenceSchema
- May 26
- Updated route names and finished new absence form
- May 27
- Added method .remove to AbsenceSchema
- May 28
- Updated early excuse form
- May 29
- Finished creating all possible routes
- June 2
- Finished history page
- June 3
- Early Excuse Schema
- Ajax for Absences
- Profile Page
- June 7
- Initial Deployment Guide
- Updated Profile Page
- Working on Note Submission Backend
- June 8
- Updated Absence Note
- Added pickaday and autocomplete
- June 9
- Added Javascript to most pages
- Created teacher pages
- Created pages to view Absences and Early Excuse
- Approve/Deny for admin and teacher
- June 10
- Finished frontend (all pages created)