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69 lines (62 loc) · 4.79 KB

File metadata and controls

69 lines (62 loc) · 4.79 KB

『 Features 』

This Discord Bot has a wide range of features to enhance your Discord server experience. From administrator commands for moderating the chat, to general commands for gathering information, and even music commands for playing your favorite tunes, this bot has it all! Here are the highlights of the available commands:

Administrator Commands

  • /clear = Prune up to 99 messages to keep the chat clean and organized.

General Commands

  • /ping = See your ping in milliseconds, a useful tool to check the speed of the connection.
  • /help = Replies with a help embed, providing information on all available commands.
  • /info bot = Gives information about the bot, including the version number and creation date.
  • /info commands = Provides information on all available commands, making it easier for users to find what they need.
  • /info server = Provides information about the Discord server, including the number of members, roles, and channels.
  • /info user = Gives information about a specific user, including their Discord username and discriminator.
  • /color find = Allows users to search for a specific color and displays the hex color code.
  • /color random = Generates a random color and displays the corresponding hex color code.
  • /report bug = Allows users to report bugs about the bot, ensuring that the developers can work to fix any issues as soon as possible.

Music Commands

  • /join = Joins the voice channel that the user is in, enabling them to play music.
  • /play = Starts playing music from the user's desired source.
  • /leave = Leaves the voice channel, stopping the music playback.
  • /pause = Pauses the music being played.
  • /resume = Resumes the currently paused song.
  • /skip = Skips the currently playing song, allowing users to move on to the next one in the queue.
  • /jump = Jumps to another queue, enabling users to switch between different playlists.
  • /nowplaying = Displays the music being played, including the title, artist, and album information.
  • /queue view = Shows the music status, including the current queue, loop mode, and shuffle status.
  • /queue shuffle = Shuffles the music queue, randomizing the order of the songs.
  • /queue loop = Sets the loop mode, enabling users to repeat a specific song or the entire queue.
  • /queue remove = Deletes the music that is in the queue, allowing users to customize their playlist.
  • /queue clear = Clears the entire music queue, enabling users to start fresh with a new playlist.
  • /lyrics nowplaying = Displays the lyrics of the music being played, allowing users to sing along.
  • /lyrics find = Displays more specific music lyrics, making it easier for users to find the words to their favorite songs.

With this wide range of features, this Discord Bot is sure to enhance your Discord server experience. Whether you're looking to play music, gather information, or keep your chat organized, this bot has everything you need.

『 Contribution 』

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Discord Bot project. This project always welcomes help and contributions from contributors like you. Here are some things to keep in mind before making a contribution.


If you find a bug or want to request a new feature, please create a new issue on the Issues page. Make sure to clearly explain the problem you are facing and how to reproduce the problem.


  • Make sure your code is well-documented and follows the programming style used in this project.
  • Test your code thoroughly before making a pull request.
  • Make sure your code is secure and does not contain any vulnerabilities.
  • If you are adding a new feature, make sure to include clear instructions on how to use it in the documentation.
  • Be open to feedback and be willing to make changes based on suggestions from the main developer.

How to Contribute

  • Fork this repository and clone it to your computer using the following command:
    $ git clone
  • Create a new branch for each change you make using the following command:
    $ git checkout -b [branch name]
  • Make sure to update your branch with the latest master branch before making new changes using the following commands:
    $ git fetch origin
    $ git rebase origin/master
  • Make sure to write clear notes on each commit you make using the following commands:
    $ git add [file name]
    $ git commit -m "[commit message]"
  • Create a new pull request and wait for it to be processed by the main developer. Make sure to explain the changes you made and the reason behind those changes.