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@IdeaLike @aistudyapp @neko-room

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Hi 👋, I'm Katsunori

Software Engineer from Japan.

Languages and Tools:

Coffeescript Elixir PHP Javascript Dart Java Go Python Swift Rust Typescript Angular Babeljs Backbonejs Bootstrap React HTML Css Sass Tailwindcss Vuejs Vuetify Webpack Express Graphql Openresty NestJs Nginx NodeJs CockroachDb CouchDb ElasticSearch Mariadb Microsoft Sql Server Mongodb Sqlite Postgresql Oracle Mysql Appwrite Firebase Heroku Amazon Web Services Circleci Docker Gnu Bash Google Cloud Jenkins Kubernetes Microsoft Azure Travis Android Flutter Kotlin Xamarin VuePress Gatsbyjs Hugo Sapper Nuxtjs Nextjs Electron Dot Net Laravel Flask Adobe-Xd Adobe Illustrator Photoshop Blender Figma Framer Postman Canvasjs Grafana Chart Js Jasmine Tensorflow Pytorch Unity Unreal Engine Zapier Ifttt Git Linux


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