Full-stack ecommerce application built with MERN stack. This ecommerce store enable three main different flows or implementations:
- Buyers browse the store categories, products and brands
- Sellers or Merchants manage their own brand component
- Admins manage and control the entire store components
- features:
- Node provides the backend environment for this application
- Express middleware is used to handle requests, routes
- Mongoose schemas to model the application data
- React for displaying UI components
- Redux to manage application's state
- Redux Thunk middleware to handle asynchronous redux actions
- Nodejs - The runtime environment of the application
- Reactjs - Component based UI library
- MongoDB - NoSQL database
- Expressjs - Framework to handle routes and requests
- Mongoose - MongoDB object modeling tool to model the database schema
After you cloned the repository do not start the application. To run the application fully you need to create a database and collection and provide your own database URI.
After this you can run the project locally:
- To run the front end
cd frontend
npm start
- To run the back end
cd backend
npm run dev
TIP: Run both in split terminal so that you can see both ends running