Fake Info Generator
180+ functions and coming more...
npm install @praveen_prajapati/fakeit
// ESM
import { person, country, book, animal } from "@praveen_prajapati/fakeit";
import fake from "@praveen_prajapati/fakeit";
// CJS
const { person, country, book, animal } = require("@praveen_prajapati/fakeit");
const fake from "@praveen_prajapati/fakeit";
// const { book } = require("@praveen_prajapati/fakeit");
const createRandomBook = () => {
return {
title: book.title(), // Pride and Prejudice
author: book.author(), // William Faulkner
genre: book.genre(), // Crime
genre: book.bookInfo(), // Object
// const fake = require("@praveen_prajapati/fakeit");
const createRandomBook = () => {
return {
title: fake.book.title(), // Pride and Prejudice
author: fake.book.author(), // William Faulkner
genre: fake.book.genre(), // Crime
genre: fake.book.bookInfo(), // Object
// { person, country, book, animal, card, image, car, post, user, company, lorem, business, quote, alias, space, food, human, house, space, vehicle, song, science, celebrity, color }
title() String
author() String
genre() String
bookInfo() Object
name() String
state() String
city() String
postalCode() Number
house() Number
address() String
tld() String
latitude() Number
longtitude() Number
currency() String
isoCode() String
callCode() String
language() String
timezone() String
fullAdderss() String
countryInfo() Object
gender() String
male() String
female() String
surname() String
name() String
person() Object
prefix() String
suffix() String
personInfo() Object
age() Number
birth() String
zodiac() String
profile(size) String // (200)
profileWithId(size, string) String // (200, 'user1')
avatar1(w,h,shape,bg,blur,sat) String // (200, 200, 'circle', 'ffffff', 50, 100)
avatar2(w,h,shape,bg,blur,sat) String // (200, 200, '', 'ffffff', 50, 100)
avatar3(w,h,shape,bg,blur,sat) String // (200, 200, 'circle', '000000', 50, 100)
avatar4(w,h,shape,bg,blur,sat) String // (200, 200, 'circle', 'ffffff', 50, 100)
avatar5(w,h,shape,bg,blur,sat) String // (200, 200, 'circle', 'ffffff', 50, 100)
personInfo(); Object
phone() Number
phoneFormat(phoneNumber:string, sperator:string, callingCode:string) String // ("9876543210", "-", "+1")
bloodGroup() String
personWeight() Number
personHeight() Number
favoriteColor() String
eyeColor() String
hairColor() String
favoriteStar() String
favoriteActress() String
favoriteActor() String
personCard() Object
personVehicle() Object
userAgent() String
bird() String
petName() String
mammal() String
reptile() String
fish() String
insect() String
amphibian() String
mollusk() String
crustacean() String
arachnid() String
echinoderm() String
annelid() String
sponge() String
catBreed() String
dogBreed() String
animalInfo() Object
companyName() String
slogan() String
smallSlogan() String
sloganWithKeyword(string) String
domain() String
companyEmail() String
companyInfo(); Object
urlDummyImage() String // (width, height, bgcolor, color, format, text)
urlPlaceholder() String // (width, height, text)
urlPicsumPhotos() String // (width, height, isGrayscale, blur)
urlLoremFlickr() String // (width, height, keyword)
avatarDoodleipsumFive() String // (width, height, shape, bgcolor, blur, saturation)
avatarDoodleipsumFour() String // (width, height, shape, bgcolor, blur, saturation)
avatarDoodleipsumThree() String // (width, height, shape, bgcolor, blur, saturation)
avatarDoodleipsumTwo() String // (width, height, shape, bgcolor, blur, saturation)
avatarDoodleipsumOne() String // (width, height, shape, bgcolor, blur, saturation)
avatarLegacy() String
avatarGitHub() String
avatar() String
city() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
business() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
food() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
url() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
fashion() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
animal() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
cat() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
dog() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
nature() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
nightlife() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
people() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
sports() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
transport() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
technics() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
abstract() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
bird() String // (width, height, randomize:boolean)
image() String // (width, height)
username() String
userFirstName() String
userLastName() String
userAge() Number
userBirth(age) String // (29)
userProfileImage(size) String // size (200)
userZodiac() String
userGender() String
email() String
password(length, includeSpecialChars, includeSimilarChars) String // (16, true, true)
website() String
userAddress() Object
ipAddress() String
macAddress() String
ipV4Address() String
ipV6Address() String
userInfo(size) Array // profile image size/(200)
visa() Object
mastercard() Object
unionpay() Object
diners() Object
discover() Object
amex() Object
jcb() Object
card(string) Object // ('visa')
maker() String
model() String
color() String
carYear() Number
engine() String
carInfo() Object
post(postId) Object
hashtag() Array
getCommentsByPostId(postId) Object
getCommentById(commentId) Object
getUserById(userId) Object
getPostsByUserId(userId) Object
getPostById(postId) Object
posts() Object
comments() Object
users() Object
animeQuote() Object
bibleVerse() Object
bhagavadGitaVerse() Object
quote() Object
tongueTwister() String
hackerName() String
awesomeName() Object
paragraphs(num, paragraphType, sentenceType, type) Array // (2, 'small', 'medium', 'lorem')
sentences(num, sentenceType, type) Array // (2, 'large', 'english')
words(num, type) String // (8, 'lorem')
numberToWords(string) String // ('120') // one hundred twenty
name(string) String; // ('pearl')
planet() String
galaxy() String
star() String
moon() String
flower() String
kitchen() String
instrument() String
furniture() String
room() String
bodyPart() String
emotion() String
vegetable() String
fruit() String
foodName() String
drink() String
transport() String
songName() String
genre() String
unit() Object
getChemicalElementsByElementGroup(string) Object // ('Nonmetal')
getChemicalElementBySymbol(string) Object // ('He')
getChemicalElementByAtomicNumber(number) Object // (10)
getChemicalElementByName(string) Object // ('Oxygen')
chemicalElement() Object
rgbToHex(R,G,B) String // (0,0,0)
PMScolor() String
HSLcolor() String
RGBcolor() String
CMYKcolor() String
HEXcolor() String
actor() String
businessPerson() String
sportsPersons() String
cloudflare-ipfs.com avatar
github avatars