Instructions: Using any IDE, please use Java to complete the following exercises. Please return the complete project file.
Read a text file Take the first sentence in that text file (sentences are separated by “.” (Dot)) From that first sentence, return The number of words (separated by space) The first smallest word The last longest word
Example of sentence in file: The flowers are blooming in the fields near my pizzeria
Results: Number of words: 10 First smallest word : in ("in" and "my" are the 2 smallest but we want the first of the smallest) Last longest word : pizzeria ("blooming" and "pizzeria" are the 2 longest words, but "pizzeria" is the last one)
With Java and Selenium,
- Login to google
- Search for the word “merative application”
- Return the list of link that directly concern merative (with the word “merative” in the large blue description) ex: MERATIVE Trademark Application of International Business ...