The project is created to implement a credit calculator that allows users to calculate the daily and total repayment amounts of a loan. The calculator computes the repayment amount based on the entered loan amount and repayment period.
- The project is implemented using pure HTML, SASS, and JavaScript (ES6).
- Adaptive layout is done with three breakpoints:
- mobile: 375px;
- tablet: 768px;
- desktop: 1280px.
- Font connections have been added using font-face.
- Vector graphics are optimized for size.
- Favicon display for the page is added.
- Created an HTML form with necessary fields and a button.
- The "Get Credit" button is inactive at the start of the calculator and until the input field values pass validation.
- The user can input the loan amount and repayment period either in the input field or using the slider.
- Limits are set for the input fields. If the value is not entered or it falls outside the limits, the calculation is not performed, and the user receives an error message. If the values are valid, the daily and total repayment amounts of the loan are calculated automatically according to the provided formulas, and the user can click the "Get Credit" button.
- Upon clicking the button, a "Successful Request" notification appears, and the form is automatically cleared.
Clone the project repository on your local computer. You can use the git clone command if you are using the Git version control system.
Launch the "Live Sass Compiler" extension in the VS Code editor. This will automatically compile SASS files into CSS during editing.
Launch the "Live Server" extension in the VS Code editor to start a local web server. This will allow you to view and test the web page on the local server.
After starting the local server, open a browser and navigate to the address displayed in the console to view the web page in live mode.