Releases: kubernetes-sigs/external-dns
ExternalDNS synchronizes exposed Kubernetes Services and Ingresses with DNS providers.
ExternalDNS synchronizes exposed Kubernetes Services and Ingresses with DNS providers.
ExternalDNS synchronizes exposed Kubernetes Services and Ingresses with DNS providers.
Source: Dedupe Common Logic (#2190) @abursavich
Add helm chart (#2208) @stevehipwell
build(deps): bump from 0.11.10 to 0.11.20 (#2253) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 0.54.0 to 0.93.3 (#2254) @dependabot
updated kustomize version (#2263) @kundan2707
build(deps): bump from 2.5.1 to 2.8.1 (#2268) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 0.18.1 to 0.73.2 (#2293) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 1.31.4 to 1.40.38 (#2276) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 0.22.0 to 0.22.1 (#2267) @dependabot
kubernetes v1.22: Update controller to use Ingress. (#2281) @andrewstuart
build(deps): bump from 1.7.0 to 1.14.2 (#2295) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 0.22.0 to 0.22.2 (#2323) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 0.1.0 to 0.21.0 (#2301) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0 (#2302) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 0.54.0 to 0.58.0 (#2327) @dependabot
Bump dependencies to fix security vulnerabiity (#2332) @Raffo
build(deps): bump from 0.19.0 to 0.32.2 (#2331) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 1.9.2 to 1.10.1 (#2330) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 6.6.0 to 6.6.2 (#2328) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 0.9.14 to 0.9.16 (#2329) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 (#2305) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0 (#2334) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 0.94.1 to 0.97.0 (#2336) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 46.3.0+incompatible to 46.4.0+incompatible (#2333) @dependabot
build(deps): bump from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 (#2337) @dependabot
ExternalDNS synchronizes exposed Kubernetes Services and Ingresses with DNS providers.
bluecat: support getting credentials from environment variables (#2072) @seanmalloy
docs: update bluecat tutorial (#2074) @seanmalloy
Godaddy enhancement (#2084) @Fred78290
fix_2099 (#2120) @kundan2707 will
Optional ability to use the host name defined on an ingress's annotations instead of its hosts stanza (#1696) @dansimone
Update (#2118) @aSauerwein
update for latest version (#2131) @roelandvanbatenburg
Update azure-private-dns tutorial image tag to v0.8.0 (#2130) @KylePolansky
Adding ability to query Infoblox API using regex for fqdn (#2102) (#2110) @mmerrill3
Add support for Kong's TCPIngress with a load balancer (#2109) @krmichel
Kops compatibility mode (#2041) @olemarkus
Clean up OpenShift Route source implementation (#2147) @sgreene570
updated external-dns version to latest (#2138) @kundan2707
rfc2136: add batch size support (#2127) @knackaron
Remove extra
when clicked oncopy to clipboard
(#2149) @goutamtadi1 -
bluecat: add delete functionality (#2144) @jaideepbellani
Updated k8s manifest for Azure DNS provider #2082 (#2083) @SimonGurney
Feature/ignore ingress rules (#2091) @anandkumarpatel
Provide example of multiple values for "in" filter (#2065) @dkravetz
bluecat: improve test coverage (#2185) @jaideepbellani
CloudDNS: Allow filtering for private and public zones (#2153) @FalconerTC
Source: Deflake and Parallelize Tests (#2188) @abursavich
Adding ability to query Infoblox API using regex for fqdn (#2102) (#2102) @
Merge pull request #2110 from mmerrill3/feature/infoblox-reg-ex (#2110) @mmerrill3
Documentation on Route53 and Govcloud. (#1918) @vchan2002
modify the error url of external-dns rbac (#1925) @timyinshi
Refactor azure private dns auth (#1912) @sfc-gh-jelsesiy
Support Ambassador Host resources as sources (#1642) @inercia
Corrects broken links in alb-ingress tutorial (#1939) @Raffo
Add RFC3645 support for secure updates with GSS-TSIG (#1951) @scottd018
Godaddy (#1924) @Fred78290
Updated docs to reference the v0.7.6 image (#1946) @jeffspahr
Add info in FAQ on how to enable new traefik chart (#1962) @brumhard
Prevent plan reporting endpoint target casing differences as a change (#1960) @robselway
Cleanup Docker context and decrease build time (#1498) @drGrove
Add support for aws eu-south-1 region (#1969) @joshuastern
Make Powerdns support rrsets with multiple records more smartly (#1968) @dsalisbury
remove duplicate endpoints when processing VirtualService (#1950) @polivbr
update external-dns image versiona nd ingress api version (#1978) @kundan2707
external-dns configuration update (#2004) @kundan2707
Switch to controller-gen for CRD generation and update CRD to apiextentions v1 (#2001) @k0da
remove outdated provider list from FAQ, link to list in README (#2011) @morremeyer
updated ingress apiVersion (#2012) @kundan2707
rfc2136: Add cli flag for Kerberos realm and improve tutorial (#2015) @stovemeerkat
Add Initial BlueCat Provider Support (#1506) @seanmalloy
Downgrade Azure provider "Failed to extract" log message to debug (#2020) @bittrance
Add the ability to configure k8s event rate limit (#2013) @tjamet
Add 'bluecat' as possible option to the provider flag (#2035) @brross
Avoid nil pointer deference in extractHeadlessEndpoints (#2031) @allenporter
Document annotation-filter usage (#2018) @timtorChen
Add seanmalloy As Reviewer (#2038) @seanmalloy
Add pod source [kops compatibility] (#2032) @olemarkus
AWS Route 53 provider: fix various problems with handling of alias records (#1860) @devkid
fix(scaleway): drop support for organization ID as it's not needed (#2021) @Sh4d1
bluecat: allow setting tls verify and TTL (#2052) @vinny-sabatini
bluecat: allow setting TTL on cname and host records (#2056) @vinny-sabatini
Bluecat documentation (#2053) @vinny-sabatini
fix doc: Correct document for about route53 health check association (#1898) @RaymondKYLiu
digitalocean: Set a custom user-agent string. (#1893) @andrewsomething
feat: use ClusterIP with internal-hostname annotation (#1425) @btoonk
Fix typo in comment (#1909) @fenggw-fnst
Update release script to include squashed commits (#1919) @Raffo
Add flag to opt in for NS records management (#1915) (#1915) @Raffo --help
Please use release 0.7.6
This release has an issue with NS records, please consider reading the issue if you are using custom NS records before upgrading to it, see #1895
fix: scaleway doc bump version to 0.7.4 (#1800) @rguichard
allow to associate aws dns records with health checks (#1288) @rajatjindal
Update triage/support label references to kind/support (#1804) @mrbobbytables
Infoblox skip zones not matching a given view (#1805) @jgrumboe
Allow multiple services to share same dns record (#1446) @sagor999
Bump cloudbuild timeout for new release process (#1824) @Raffo
aws-r53 adding Africa (Cape Town) ELB endpoints and hosted zone id's (#1832) @mzingarelli
cloudflare: readme update for RBAC config (#1833) @raidancampbell
Add namespace for httpbin-gateway in istio doc (#1839) @yangy2000
Update to Go 1.15 & update Azure dependencies (#1818) @elsesiy
Fix OVH tutorial to match new permissions (#1847) @alistarle
fix typos (#1850) @windayski
corrected broken link in multiple docs (#1854) @kundan2707
fix some typos (#1876) @windayski
fix for 1878 (#1879) @kundan2707
Support wildcard records - Optional ability to replace the asterisk in generated registry TXT records with another string (#1695) @dansimone
Infoblox multiple A records support (#1479) (#1479) @sagor999
Add new method to provider interface to implement provider specific changes (#1868) (#1868) @Raffo
Docker images are available on Google Container Registry: --help
NEW: this is the first release that support arm32v7
and arm64v8
- Fix Designate doc (#1697) @openstacker
- Improve documentation about rfc2136 TTLs (#1581) @stefanlasiewski
- aws: errors with context (#1705) @bpineau
- Update kustomization for 0.7.3 release (#1709) @james-callahan
- "passphrase:" is missing from oci.yaml example (#1712) @tonychoe
- update and clean up azure dependencies (#1727) @tariq1890
- add event handler for istio gateway and virtualservice source (#1728) @tariq1890
- Ignore wildcard hosts in Istio gateways (#1625) @haines
- Add Scaleway DNS as a new provider (#1643) @Sh4d1
- bump kubernetes dependencies and run go mod tidy (#1732) @tariq1890
- update release docs to include kustomization config (#1736) @vinny-sabatini
- fix goimports local import order and update golangci-lint (#1737) @tariq1890
- docs: cleanup version roadmap docs (#1731) @vinny-sabatini
- External DNS should uses ALIAS for AWS Global Accelerator (#1549) @Reuuke
- added --txt-prefix to google deployment (#1729) @prune998
- Docs: Fixed typos (#1734) @ddymko
- add license header check to the CI (#1738) @tariq1890
- Update Documentation with Updated Registry Location (#1741) @seanmalloy
- utilize the errors package for error handling (#1748) @vinny-sabatini
- remove unused field IstioIngressGatewayServices (#1753) @tariq1890
- provide documentation of available prometheus metrics (#1752) @vinny-sabatini
- docs: enhance pull request template (#1747) @seanmalloy
- Fix index out of range when hostname has no dots (#1756) @chemasan
- Updated FAQ for usage of annotation-filter (#1763) @jgrumboe
- Add Cloudflare documentation on use of
(#1751) @loozhengyuan - Move Inactive Maintainers To Emeritus Approvers (#1761) @seanmalloy
- Enable azure_private_dns to work with non "AzurePublicCloud" clouds (#1578) @daddonpa
- Add tutorial for GKE with workload identity (#1765) @ddgenome
- Fixes coverall, #1755 (#1762) @jgrumboe
- Remove changelog from PR template (#1767) @Raffo
- Update pull requests template (#1769) @seanmalloy
- Add quick start section to contributor docs (#1766) @seanmalloy
- fix ingress-controller yaml link (#1768) @kapekost
- ns1: add minttlseconds (#1576) @dennisme
- Update Contributing Documentation (#1760) @seanmalloy
- Contour HTTPProxy support (#1628) @josephglanville
- aws: cache zones list (#1704) @bpineau
- Update kustomize base (#1777) @mgoodness
- Add --zone-name-filter option for azure provider (#1060) @titilambert
- add service annotation to set public/private iface for NodePort (#1310) @rbtr
- Publish ExternalIPs for LoadBalancer services (#1500) @burningalchemist
- Hetzner: fix records update (#1778) @21h
- Optionally ignore tls rules in ingress source (#1645) @Benjile
Docker images are available on Google Container Registry: --help
🎉 Thank you all for your contributions 🎉