OpenTelemetry provides support for Ktor with the KtorClientTracing
and KtorServerTracing
plugins for the Ktor client and server respectively. For the source code, see
the repository on GitHub.
This project contains examples of how to use the KtorClientTracing
and KtorServerTracing
You can find examples for the client plugin KtorClientTracing
the extractions folder.
And you can find examples for the server plugin KtorServerTracing
the extractions folder.
Note: You need to have Docker installed and running to run the sample.
To run this sample, execute the following command from the opentelemetry
./gradlew :runWithDocker
It will start a Jaeger
in the docker container (Jaeger UI
available on http://localhost:16686/search) and
then it will start a server
on http://localhost:8080/
Then, to run the client, which will send requests to a server, you can execute the following command in
an opentelemetry
./gradlew :client:run
Note: In this example, we use
an Autoconfiguration OpenTelemetry instance,
we set environment variables OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER
in build.gradle.kts file.
You can find more information about these environment variables
in the OpenTelemetry documentation.
Let's check what we will see in the Jaeger UI
after running the server (with Docker) and the client:
- We can see two our services that send opentelemetry data:
, and servicejaeger-all-in-one
, it'sJaeger
tracing some of its components: - If you select
service and click on Find traces, you will see a list of traces: - If you click on one of those traces, you will be navigated to a screen providing detailed information about the
selected trace: