This is the official repository providing a refactored implementation of the data-driven design optimization method presented in the paper Data-efficient Co-Adaptation of Morphology and Behaviour with Deep Reinforcement Learning. This paper was presented on the Conference on Robot Learning in 2019. The website for this project can be found here.
At the moment, the repository contains a basic implementation of the proposed algorithm and its baseline. We use particle swarm optimization on the Q-function, which is used as a surrogate function predicting the performance of design candidates and, thus, avoiding the necessity to simulate/evaluate design candidates. The baseline uses also particle swarm optimization but evaluates design candidates in simulation instead.
The current environment provided is Half-Cheetah, using pybullet, for which we have to learn effective movement strategies and the optimal leg lengths, maximizing the performance of the agent.
Additional methods and environments which are shown in the paper will be added over time and the structure of the repository might change in the future.
If you use this code in your research, please cite
title={Data-efficient Co-Adaptation of Morphology and Behaviour with Deep Reinforcement Learning},
author={Luck, Kevin Sebastian and Ben Amor, Heni and Calandra, Roberto},
booktitle={Conference on Robot Learning},
This project would have been harder to implement without the great work of the developers behind rlkit and pybullet.
The reinforcement learning loop makes extensive use of rlkit, a framework developed and maintained by Vitchyr Pong. You find this repository here. We made slight adaptations to the Soft-Actor-Critic algorithm used in this repository.
Tasks were simulated in PyBullet, the repository can be found here. Adaptations were made to the files found in pybullet_evo to enable the dynamic adaptation of design parameters during the training process.
Make sure that PyTorch is installed. You find more information here:
First, clone this repository to your local computer as usual.
Then, install the required packages via pip by executing pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The current version of Coadapt is using now the latest version of rlkit by Vitchyr Pong.
Clone the rlkit with
git clone
Now, set in your terminal the environment variable PYTHONPATH with
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/rlkit/
where the folder /path/to/rlkit
contains the folder rlkit
. This enables us
to import rlkit with import rlkit
Alternatively, follow the installations guidelines you can find in the rlkit repository.
You may have to set the environmental variable every time you open a new terminal.
After setting the environmental variable and installing the packages you can
proceed to run the experiments.
There are two experimental configurations already set up for you in
You can execute them with
python3 sac_pso_batch
python3 sac_pso_sim
You may change the configs or add new ones. Make sure to add new configurations to
the config_dict
If you execute these commands, they will automatically create directories in which the performance and achieved rewards will be stored. Each experiment creates a specific folder with the current date/time and a random string as name. You can find in this folder a copy of the config you executed and one csv file for each design on which the reinforcement learning algorithm was executed. Each csv file contains three rows: The type of the design (either 'Initial', 'Optimized' or 'Random'); The design vector; And the subsequent, cumulative rewards for each episode/trial.
provieds a basic jupyter notebook to visualize the collected
- 20 July 2022:
- Fixed an issue where the species/individual replay buffer was never reset.
- 9 August 2020:
- We use now the current version of rlkit. Alpha parameter can now be set via the experiment_config file.
- 19 June 2020:
- Updated the repository to use the current version of rlkit. However, we cannot set our own alpha parameter for SAC, so it might come with some initial performance decrease.
- Added a basic Video recorder which retains the best 5 episodes recorded
- Fixed a bug which was introduced when refactoring the code