Change a way of executing .kts files (investigate if we can get rid of reflections)
Passing additional information to scripts (args, script name, script path, kscript path etc.)
Onboard on brew
Deprecate KotlinOptions
New package for Windows e.g. scoop
Release scripts in Kotlin
Windows console support requires @argfiles as kotlin/kotlinc command line might be too long to execute it from console (especially for big classpaths).
Improve Unit tests coverage
Use compilation option -include-runtime: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/command-line.html#create-and-run-an-application
Integration tests - more tests should be enabled;
kscript - some features might be disabled on specific OSes - handle that on code level e.g. throw exception if for some OS feature is not available.
Deprecate referencing script by $HOME and by '/' (it is handled now safely, but does it make sense to keep it?)
Compatibility with Kotlin Scripting
Onboard on docker etc. and other release channels
Abstraction for shell command (Command class containing e.g. environment variables)
Change description of kscript in SDKMan page
Deployments for Docker
Deployments for ArchLinux